(22) Burn Sum

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Cola Pov

"Heard you was in need of money" Debo smiles walking in taking a look around my apartment

He heavily sighed sitting on the couch "Who got you all this" ? He asked looking at my belly noticing that I was showing . "A friend" . I simply said

He laughed "He must be a really good friend huh" He winked at my belly . I rolled my eyes sitting across from him "What do you want Debo" ?

"Don't get a attitude with me you the one who texted me remember I don't have to do shit" . I just sat there looking at him wishing he would c'mon

"Anyways I need a favor, I need you to find out as much shit as you can about Nature's wedding" . I looked at him weirdly "Your still not over her" ?
"You worried about the wrong shit Is you gon do what I need" ? He asked

"I mean yeah but for how much I don't do this for free remember"? He pulled out three stacks of cash sitting it on the table in front of us "That's yo first pay check" .

I smiled looking at the cash "What exactly do you want with Natures wedding" ? I asked. He sighed then began to smile "I might want to drop off a little gift you know how generous I am" .

I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "I want every detail about that wedding the time, location,who all gon be there,and where I can come in whew no one can see me". He continued

"Why wouldn't you want anyone to see you" ? "Because technically I'm not invited and you know me and Nature still have a thing of bad blood going on".

I scrunched my face up "All this just to drop off a gift why don't you just give it to me to give to her" ?

"I mean I could but that takes the fun out of everything" .

I just started at him not knowing what to say this whole situation is just weird I have so many questions . Part of me felt like he was up to no good but maybe this is him finally letting go of Nature .

"Okay i'll do it ". Debo smiled looking at me "I mean you didn't have a choice" .

"So anyways yo folks know you pregnant" ? Debo asked . Ever since I began messing around with Debo it's like my whole family cut me off . "No I haven't told anyone" I mumbled

"Not even your sister or your brother" ?
"No" ! I semi yelled starting to get aggravated. "Damn My bad I was just asking".

I haven't talked to my brother or sister in so long I heard both of them live in Cali but i've never felt the need to reach out... We don't talk anymore

"Debo why haven't you left yet we've discussed business and we know what word so why are you still here" ?

He shrugged "Just want some company" . He mumbled . "Well where's Brea" ?

"We not really on speaking terms right now she mad at me and won't answer any of my calls or text".

"What'd you do" ?

"I ch- " Before he could finish his sentence I heard a car door slam which caught my attention . I looked out the window seeing Nahmir getting out his car omg . "Okay Debo we can talk another time but yiu really have to go" .

"Why" ?

"Debo pleas get out of here now okay"! I looked out the window seeing Nahmir finish his blunt thank god.

"Listen Nahmir is outside and I can't let him see me with you he's helping me out and I can't-

"Oh so that's the really good friend huh" ?

"Please Just go I promise i'll call you and we can finish talking".

He stood up licking his lips "Bye" .

I hugged him before he left hoping Nahmir wouldn't run into him on his way up here .

{3} Late Night OwlWhere stories live. Discover now