(20) To Me

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glizzy pov

I was currently at the stu with Nahmir and Jay just fucking around n shit .

" It's been to long since we've all been in the studio" Jay laughed taking a sip from his drunk .

Both me and Nahmir looked at each other and agreed . " It's like we growing apart low key " . I mumbled

Jay sucked his teeth "Nigga don't say that".

Nahmir sighed sitting down "Nah Jay he actually right about this one It's like we've been so busy we ain't even had time to kick it for real ".

It was True it's like we were falling downhill everything changing now . We're officially growing up .

"Do y'all think It was because of me and victoria's fallout" ? Nahmir asked

It became silent as Me and Jay looked at each other . "Nah" . We said in unison

Nahmir gave us a dumb look "Y'all lying" .

I sat down across from him "Okay maybe y'all breakup had a little something to do with it but I really think we growing up and maybe just don't have time for each other no more"

"Glizz bro stop speaking like that" ! Jay yelled

"Jay you can't even deny that shit It's true name the last time all three of us actually hung out n shit ? And the dinner proposal don't count " .

He didn't even say anything . "Exactly"

"Man whatever I don't care about all the time we haven't done shit together this group ain't going nowhere at all Y'all been my niggas since grade school,niggas since the mud and now just cause we ain't been around each other as often we "falling off" . Jay said

"YBN will forever go on and I put that shit on my mama no matter the ups and downs we've always found our way back together" . He continued

" Now get y'all black asses up and get in the booth" .

About 45 minutes later we were all outside smoking a blunt just talking and laughing bout stupid shit .

"Serious question tho Nahmir, What you gon so about Cola and her having your baby" ? I asked

He shrugged "I wanna be there for both of them but at the same time I'm trynna be there for Victoria and Brooklyn. A nigga just mad confused about all this shit" .

"Tbh bro I think Tori already got somebody there for her" Jay said

" Who " ?

" That nigga Durk, you know "lil durk" .

Nahmir didn't say anything he just kept taking hits from the blunt .

"Jay why would you say that"? I laughed

"Nah Nah he good, I'm straight, It's cool". Nahmir mumbled

I shook my head laughing . I just pray the nigga don't do anything stupid because we all know how crazy this nigga Nahmir is over Victoria

I turned my head squinting "I swear that same car been driving past almost 50 times" .

We all looked at each other . "A fucking drive by" Nahmir said

Before we could even get in the car bullets started flying everywhere and continued flying for a good 5 minutes .

"Fuck it" ! I pulled my gun out shooting back

"OW fuck" !!!!!!!

I dropped my gun running over to Jay "bro bro you good" .

He started breathing heavy "Yeah i'm straight even tho I just got shot" .

I watched the car drive away speeding down the road .

"Nahmir help me get Jay up I yelled" !!!

"Nigga stay with us ight I'm not loosing you" Nahmir yelled .

Jay was rushed to the emergency room as me and Nahmir waited outside . I wasn't too worried because I knew how strong Jay was he ain't going nowhere no time soon .

"Should we call Sadé" ? I asked Nahmir

He shrugged "Man I don't know you know they going through shit".

"Ima call her"...

Thank God Sadé showed up . She whipped her face walking over to me and Nahmir .

"Is he okay" ? She asked

"Don't even worry you know Jay strong as hell he got this".

She sighed sitting down not saying anything..

I gave Sadé a side hug "He gon be good".

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