( 10 ) nothing left

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victoria pov

cola called me yesterday and asked could we meet up to talk she had something important to tell me

so here i am in starbucks waiting for her.. after a couple of minutes she finally walked inside

" hello " . she smiled sitting across from me

" hi how are you " ? i asked

" i'm well how about yourself " ? she asked me

" i'm awesome " . i said giving her a face smile

she sighed taking a sip of her drink " so before i tell you all of this are you and nahmir together like dating " ?

" uh yes just because we haven't been around each other we never actually ended our relationship, why " ?

she looked down " oh wow okay " ...

" why what's going on " ? i asked sitting up

" victoria i don't know how else i can say this without hurting you and hurting was never my intention " .

" can you just get to the point " ?

" one night we just started getting high as fuck like high as hell-

" y'all slept with each other didn't you " ? i asked

" yes but after that it became an everyday thing but i asked nahmir we're y'all together and he said no i would never have sex with nahmir if i knew y'all were actually together " .

i couldn't even say anything i just looked at cola

" but there's something else " .. she said worried

" what now " .

" i'm pregnant " .

my heart dropped as tears just slid right on out, i quickly grabbed a napkin whipping my eyes

" victoria i'm so sorry " . she said

" is nahmir with you right now " ?

she shook her head yes " he's in the car waiting for me " .

i quickly stood up taking off my heels walking to nahmir's car i took both my heels and threw them at the window getting nahmir's attention

" get out the car nahmir " ! i yelled

" victoria-

" no shut the fuck up SHUT THE FUCK UP " !

i grabbed my heels popping out each and every tire on that fucking car

" bruh chill out " ! he yelled

" no remember i bought you this shit you don't deserve it you don't deserve me witcho lying cheating dirty ass " .

" it was mistake toria " !

" no no NO, it was a mistake the very first time but everything after that became a choice and you can't say anything this time nahmir " !

i took my keys and started scratching the fuck up out that car

" tori-

" nahmir shut the fuck up fuck you " ! i cried out

i dropped my keys seeing cola walk out " you know that bitch that you fucked in my fucking bed that BITCH she's pregnant " .

he looked at the both of us confused as hell " yep you fucked up big time " .

i took the ring off my finger and threw it at nahmir's face " hope the both of y'all are happy " .

i picked up my things getting back in my car balling my eyes out hitting my steering wheel at the same time

i decided to call durk just cause he gives hella good advice

" yeo wassup victoria " .

" hey durk " i sniffed through the the phone

" you good what's wrong " ?

" well i just found out my ex cheated on me once again and now the girl is pregnant this isn't his first time cheating either " .

" what no for real man that nigga lame as fuck for that shit " .

" listen tori all these niggas with this bullshit man, man fuck these niggas " .

i just continued to cry as he talked to me through the phone

" so don't worry bout nun of this shit with this funny ass nigga i know you was tripping bout him not calling you a couple days ago don't even trip victoria " .

" you know what it's his loss this buster ass nigga got yo mind fucked up don't worry bout that nigga man ".

" victoria you hit me you know i gotchu bru you understand me, these niggas is busters so fuck that nigga, fuck his friends, and fuck his bitch " .

" he's nothing my nigga you are the one everybody else is 2's and 3's you are the one fuck that nigga man " .

listening to durk actually made me feel just a little bit better

" if you want me to beat his ass you know i gotchu " . he semi laughed

" nah nah it's good " .

" aye listen fr if you wanna come over and smoke a blunt and get yo mind off shit you know you can pull up " .

" actually i could use it " .

" the door will be unlocked " .

i sighed ending the call pulling out of starbucks seeing nahmir and cola still stuck out there .

fuck them

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