( 5 ) went out

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victoria pov

i was on the couch feeding brooklyn like always while nahmir was out with cola for i don't know what for

the door opened as they both walked in " hey toria " . cola came in smiling

" uh hi, cola could you take brook for me while i talk to nahmir " ?

" talk to me bout what " ? nahmir asked

i ignored him handing brooklyn to cola .

nahmir sat on the couch waiting to hear the door close upstairs. " wassup " ?

" come outside with me " .

i closed the balcony door sighing looking at nahmir but before i could say anything he wanted to go first

" bae listen you know cola my best friend and ever since she got done with debo she been going through it and i just wanted to run it across you before letting her stay her for a while

" hell no, HELL NO " . i laughed shaking my head

" but she has no where else to go " ?

" you got money to take her out i guess you got money to get her a hotel assum cus she shol ain't staying over here " ?

" what did she do to you victoria " ?

" what did YOU do to me nahmir you've barely been here to help me with brooklyn you put that bum ass hoe before your family " .

" that's not true " .

" you out there buying that bitch gucci, prada, hella shit and i'm stuck here all day like a bum " .

" i didn't even get her gucci bruh " .

" i can't wit you " . i opened the door walking upstairs to get brooklyn from cola

" you okay " .

" yes " . i grabbed brooklyn walking out the door

" where you going " ?! nahmir yelled

i ignored him getting in the car driving to nature's house

me : i'm outside come to the car

bestie💞: okay... weirdo 😂

nature hopped in the passenger seat looking at me " hey bitch " . she laughed

" i fought sadé " .

" wha- why " ? " well it wasn't really a fight fight i just threw a baby bottle at her because i still had brooklyn in my hands " .

" what did she do " ? nature asked
" a video got passed around of cola and nahmir all over each other " .

nature rolled her eyes in annoyance " here we go back with the same ole shit " .

" well nahmir wasn't really going for it but it was all cola, just all over him so i tired to ask sadé about it but she kept saying slick shit about how nahmir embarrasses me n shit " .

" okay but did she lieeee tho " ?

i sucked my teeth looking at nature " who's side are you on your supposed to be my best friend " .

" and as your best friend victoria i'm going to be straight up honest with you this ain't the first time nahmir don embarrassed you by fucking with some hoe " .

i just sat there in silence because i knew she was right there was no way possible for me to disagree with nature

" toria you know i want the best for you and my niece but if you continue to let this nigga do whatever he wants you're just gonna continue to hurt yourself and brook " .

" i know but it's like i can't live my life without nahmir i love him bro " .

" yes you can you've done it before we didn't even know of a nahmir in 11th grade did we " ???

" matter of fact i don't even think you were with cam you were happy with me, so if dating me makes you happy i'll tell glizzy to scoot over " .

i busted out into laughter looking at nature " gay ass " .

she laughed " but nah fr toria i'm just trynna tell you to do what you think is best for you and if you think staying with nahmir is what you want to do then that's on you i'm no person to judge a relationship " .

" i just want us to work out so bad nature " .

" i honestly gave up on y'all after the time he fucked around with that pepper bitch " .

" wow " .

" sorry but i had to say it toria you honestly started to give up on yourself as well both me and glizzy was there " .

" i know " i threw my face in my sighing " i don't know what to do nature " .

" do what you think is best for you and brook " .

i thought about it and nature was right.. " we just need time " .

" bitch it's 2020 how much more time are you gonna continue to put up with this bullshit " .

i shrugged i don't know why but it's so hard for me to actually move on and leave nahmir

" look don't even bother going back home tonight give him some space and time for you to think you can stay here " . nature said

i nodded looking back at brooklyn

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