(26) One time

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Victoria Pov

I don't know what happened to me last night . None of that was supposed to happen. What am I gonna tell Durk . Omg . I sat on the bathroom floor continuing to cry.. We made in back to L.A but I haven't talk to Durk .

I don't even think I can tell him.. I feel so bad . I jumped up at the sound of the doorbell ringing. I whipped my tears but I just couldn't stop crying . And of course Durk was standing outside with Flowers. I sniffed looking at him "What are you doing here"? "Yo you okay, why you crying"? I shrugged walking into the living room

Durk grabbed my hand "What's wrong"? "I-I'm just getting emotional I can't believe Brooklyn is really one". I lied . He sucked his teeth "Aw come here". He said pulling me into a hug "Just cherish each moment while you can". I let go of him . "What are the flowers for"?

"I just missed you and wanted to surprise you with your favorites". He smiled rubbing my arm. He scrunched his face up coming closer "What's this"? . "What's what"? I laughed nervously. "Look like a bruise or something". He tapped my shoulder . I flinched a little bit "What happened"? . Wtf was I suppose to say ? Me and Nahmir we're having hardcore sex ??????

I laughed it off "It's nothing Durk". He just looked at me weird "Where's Brooklyn"? He asked . "She's with um Nahmir". Every time I said his name or even thought of him all I could think about was the sex . I dozed off thinking about last night . "Victoria" ? Durk waved his hand in my face I sighed heavily looking at him "I'm going to help nature with wedding planning today".

"What's going on"? He asked totally ignoring what I just said .  "Durk what are you talking about" ?  "You acting weird as fuck". "Just leave I have to get ready anyways".  "So now you want me to leave"? "Get our Durk" ! I yelled . He sucked his teeth slamming the door behind him

"Well that didn't go good" Nahmir laughed putting his robe around his waist . "Can you just put on some clothes and go too". He looked at me crazy "Why do you keep denying the fact that we can't leave each other alone no matter how hard we try" . I say down "Nahmir you got another girl pregnant".  "Yet you still fucking me" ? I threw a pillow at him getting mad "I'm done what we did was nothing it was just hopeless emotions".

He walked over to me grabbing my hand looking me in the eyes "I'm not leaving you".  "Nahmir we're done get out"! He rolled his eyes "Fine". What me and Nahmir did was only a one time thing I want it to be over.. For good

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