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nahmir pov

if we gon be honest i'm really not taking this whole break up with me and toria well at all . I really fucked up man for real, i should've been there when she needed me the most that's where i really fucked up at

i miss her bro but i know this is it we really done with each other man she wants no parts at all . shit i would be fed up too if i was in her position

" hey baby " . cola walked outside kissing the side of my neck as i continued smoking this blunt

" wassup " . i said bluntly

she sat next to me placing one leg up " what's wrong you okay " ? she asked

i sighed trying not to look at her .

she sat up rubbing my back " you okay nahmir " ?

i took a hit from the blunt looking at her in the corner of my eye " i don't think this gon work cola " .

" what do you mean " ? she took her hand off my back " me and you we i'm just not ready to be in a relationship right now " I said

" But the baby " . She mumbled . I rubbed her stomach for a little while " It's mine I'll be here for the baby-

" but just not for me " . she said looking down

" I'm just not mentally ready for another relationship right now cola I just got done with the love of my life a nigga need time " .

" okay " . is all she said

She stood up going back in the room I followed her to make sure she wasn't gon do nothing crazy cuz she too fucking calm

I stood at the bed watching her quietly pack all her things into her suitcase . She finally looked up at me with tears falling from her face " You know I have nowhere to go after this right " .

I just looked at her not knowing what to say to her . " Can't go back to alabama my own family doesn't even want to be bothered with me and I know nobody but you in california nahmir nobody but you " ! she cried

" you were supposed to be here for me I'm having your baby and you're kicking me out " !

" I never said you had to go I just said I didn't want to be in a relationship you the one that started packing your bags " .

She just sat there looking at me .

" Look if it makes you feel better you can stay here for as long as you want until you find yourself a place to stay I wouldn't kick you to the curb Cola I'm not that type of nigga I'm not debo " .

" Okay " . she walked out the room

I grabbed my keys heading to the stu like always . Just got a lot on my mind really . I walked inside the studio seeing Jay on his phone

" wassup jay " I sat in a chair next to him

" Wassup how you been after the whole little- you know what, I haven't spoke to you in forever " .

I shrugged " It all didn't really hit until today I miss her " .

"Well you ain't know what you had till you lost it so of course you missing her like crazy". He said looking at me

I didn't even say nothing. There was nothing I could say . I just sat there looking at the ground

"She told me something" . Jay mumbled

I looked up at him wondering what Victoria said about me .

"She said it wasn't even the cheating that hurt her it was who you cheated on her with, she said you denied every allegation she had with you can Cola and still lied to her.. She's hurt bro " .

" My intention wasn't to hurt Victori at all Jay an you know that-

"I know that Nahmir but you constantly bottle how you really feel and think the drugs n shit gon help weed and drinking ain't gon do nothing but make it worse than what it already is ". Jay said

" You were falling back into your old habits like you always do everytime you and victoria get into it you turn into a brand new person just not giving a fuck at all that's where she hurting not because you lied or cheated or wasn't their for her Victoria had so much faith and potential in you bro even when Nature told her to leave she was determined you would change your ways but you let her down once again ".

I just looked down at the ground as tears dropped down from my face . I didn't want Jay to see me cry but a nigga was hurting after hearing all of that .

I really wanna do better man on some serious shit .

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