(21) Not You Too

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Sadé Pov

I sat down next to Jay holding his hand just looking at him waiting for him to finally wake up.. And he did .

He yawned looking over at me letting go of my hand . "You feeling any better" ? I asked him

"I mean I'm sore as hell but I'm straight" .

I could sense he was still upset with me and the last conversation we had..

"Bab- I mean Jay" ? I looked up at him

"Sadé if you want to talk about the kid thing it's over now I'm cool off of it If you don't want to have a baby right now fine".

"Jay We got the rest of our lives to have a baby plus you already got a son and I'd rather be a wife than a babymama".

This whole thing is just stupid . I feel like Jay wants to run behind his friends and shit because they got families and shit .

"Jay us being together is the only family you need right we're not even mentally ready to have a child".

He just looked at me .

"If you're still gonna have attitude about this I can leave Jay If I cant give you what you want I can leave bro" . My voice cracked

"I'm sorry" He looked at me

"Just tell me what you want and so I can know my role" .

"Sadé you know I love you you my girl bro and I want to keep you here with me and if I'm moving to fast causing you to leave me I'll stop cuz I don't wanna be with nobody but you".

"I understand whew you coming from you got your reason and I can't always disagree with that and Ima work on it I swear".

I held his hand "Jay we not leaving each other hell we can't even leave each other we need to work on ourselves before we ever try to work on a baby plus you got Sir".

"I want you to meet him" . He smiled

"Ummm I would love to but what about Dailyn, You know she don't like me for whatever reason I don't know".

He sucked his teeth laughing "She should be open to it eventually the day was gon have to come".

I sighed looking at his chest "Sooo what the hell happened last night who shot at y'all" ?

"Man I don't even know myself but I have a strong feeling it was that nigga Debo trynna get back at Glizzy" .

"He wanna suck Glizzy dick so bad why don't he just leave him alone"?

"Because Glizz came after him first but He had his reasons Debo put hands on Nature while she was pregnant WITH Glizzy child".

"Why Glizz ain't jus kill the nigga" ? I asked curious

Jay chuckled "Gotta save the best for last" .

"I still hate the fact that you got shot really I hate the fact that any of y'all was shot at" .

"Just promise me this" Jay said.

"Just don't tell your brother about any of this Okay because you know how crazy and overprotective Dev is over you and if he found out about this he would flip on me cause he feel like I'm not doing my job" .

I sighed "I don't know Jay you know how close me and my brother are we tell each other everything".

"I just don't want this nigga on my dick all the time about shit like this" .

"I mean I'll have to think about it Jay but I don't know"..

He heavily sighed looking at the tv

I stood up pecking his lips a few time "I love you" .

"I love you too".

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