(23) Let it go

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Victoria Pov

My baby Brooklyn's 1st birthday is in 3 days I can't believe how fast time has went by... To celebrate Nahmir booked us flights to Hawaii I wanted to invite Nature and Glizzy but they're planning things for the wedding .

Sooo It's just going to be me Nahmir and Brooklyn.. Hopefully it doesn't get to weird... I continued to pack my things as Durk played the game . He not to fond of the fact that I'm going to be with my ex for a whole week but I told him it's strictly just for our daughter .

" I wish I could go with you " Durk sighed looking at me . I smiled folding my shirt " Next time you can take me somewhere.. just me and you " . He licked his lips walking over to me . He placed his hands around my waist looking my in the eyes " So ready to tear yo ass up Victoria " . I blushed looking at him . Me and Durk were in a weird place we weren't together fr it's like we're just cooling it for right now.. I guess .

He grabbed his gun off the night stand placing it on his hip " Ight ma gotta handle business but call me once you make it " . He kissed my lips "Okay" I kissed him again .

Before I headed to the airport I went over to nature's house to pick up Brooklyn and to see how the wedding planning was going . " Heyy bitch " ! I smiled walking inside . She smiled holding Brook on her lap . I picked up Brooklyn covering her face in kisses just because I missed her so much. " You ready for this trip " ? Nature asked raising her eyebrows

I shrugged " Lowkey giving me set ups vibes, You know how Nahmir gets ". Nature laughed " Victoria I'm so sorry please take me back " She mocked . I playfully rolled my eyes sighing " Let's just pray he doesn't do anything stupid". "I'm sorry I can't make it this time but this wedding planning has me stressing" . I smiled "Its okay nature I get it. How's the planning going anyways" ? She rolled her eyes "A fucking mess so I decided to hire a wedding planner because I can't do all of this by myself it's extra money but I'm going to need all the help I can get".

"I swear once I get back from the trip you'll have me to help as well" . Nature gave me a hug smiling "Thank you" . Me and Brooklyn said our goodbyes as we heard to the airport to meet Nahmir . "You need help with your bags" ? Nahmir asked . I shook my head no putting pulling that heavy ass suitcase out the trunk . Nahmir still ended up helping me with my bags . "Thank you" I mumbled as we started walking inside .

After the flight I just went ahead and put Brooklyn down to sleep I knew she was tired and didn't want to be bothered . I walked downstairs seeing Nahmir smoking a blunt "I'm hungry" I said sitting on the other couch . He handed me the house phone "You can request something to eat the menu is right beside you" . Thank god because I was fucking starving .

I placed my order looking at Nahmir "How did you get pass security with weed on you" ? He laughed looking at me "I know people who know people" . I rolled my eyes . "How's the other baby" ? I asked trying to start something . He just looked at me as if I said something wrong . ?????? He took a hit from the blunt "Why you want to know" ? I shrugged "I was just asking... you are About to be a father of two now".  "Why we gotta talks bout this Victoria" ?! He semi yelled . "Fine" ! I stood up going to get my food

I grabbed a bottle of water out of the refrigerator going upstairs to my room "I'm going to sleep goodnight" . I said to Nahmir as I walked up the steps . As I ate my food I FaceTimed Durk . "Wassup" He smiled showing his grill . I smiled back "Hey babes I miss you" . He laughed looking down at his phone "Where you ate" ? I asked "I'm driving on the way back to the crib" . "What you did today" ? He looked back at the road "Shit nun just at the spot handling business as usual" .

"How was the flight and everything" ? I rolled my eyes in annoyance "it was cool I was just squished between Nahmir and trying to hold Brooklyn". Durk sucked his lips "Ion need to come down there and beat that nigga ass do I" ? I laughed "Noo Durk I'm okay, we're okay". He smiled "ight ma I'll call you in the morning.. I love you" . I just started at the camera not sure if I should say I love you back or not.. "Okay I'll talk to you tomorrow". "I love you too" I mumbled before he hung up the phone ..

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