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"So... is he coming today?", Shawn asked without turning in my direction, still looking at the laptop in front of him.

"I don't think so", I replied. I didn't want to hear what he was going to say about it. I didn't need it.

He turned on his chair, looked at me and then went back to work without saying a single word. I didn't know what I hated more at this point, his condescending words or the stare. I sighed silently and tried to avoid his judgement.

We have been working together for a month after he joined the company almost two months ago. He was fun for the most part and I really like his personality, but I couldn't stand when he would criticize my relationship. Shawn met my boyfriend on an office get together a while ago and was not shy to say how bored Liam was in his eyes. He also said he was not the type of guy he thought I'd be dating and since then, he became obsessed with my love life.

People in the office go to a nearby bar every friday after work, and this wasn't the exception. Shawn hadn't missed once since he joined the team. I've gone for a drink with them a couple of times but it's not something I do regularly. Most of the time I'm too eager to get home and start enjoying the weekend ahead. Shawn has been asking me to go and bring Liam every week, but I know he wants to analyze us, which it's a bit weird and annoying to be honest.

"Then you're not coming again", he stated.

"I am", I told him right away.

What he didn't know was that Liam was out of town because of a business trip and I was actually interesting on spending time on my own for a change and, since I liked my coworkers, this suited me perfectly.

"What?", he said facing me and giving me all his attention. "What about Liam? What will he do? Do puzzles all night?"

"Cut it out. He's on a business trip".

"Oh so you're alone this weekend. Interesting", he commented.

"What is so interesting?"

"I'm just thinking of all the ways you could actually have fun this weekend since you'll be alone. That's all", he added at the end as if it was the most normal and obvious thing.

I gave him a cold stare and went back to work on the excel sheet in front of me. The rest of the day he didn't brough up the topic again and I was thankful for it. We just chatted about the project and other stuff that didn't involved him making fun of my relationship.

At 4 PM I grabbed my stuff and went to the office bathroom before going for those drinks with the rest of the staff. Fifteen minutes later I was walking through the doors of the bar and following a lady that showed me the table they were all sat at.

Shawn raised his hand when he saw and made gestures to go sit next to him.

"Thanks", I said when he fixed the chair for me.

"What are you drinking?"

"Just beer", I told him and he quickly asked for my order to a waitress that passed by our side.

People at the table were chatting about an office rumor someone heard but I couldn't care less. I was sometimes interested in gossip like any other person on this planet, but this wasn't the occasion.

"What are you going to do this weekend?", I said turning to Shawn and picking up on our previous conversation.

"I don't know. Why, would you like to join me?", he asked before taking a sip from his glass.

I laughed a little. His confidence was something I loved and hated at the same time.

"You're so full of yourself".

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