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"I need to take a shower", he said when we got to his apartment and walked to his room.

I took off my denim jacket and hang it by the door. His apartment was clean as always and I was quickly bored without his presence. I took my phone but nothing was taking my mind out of him. I wanted him. I had waited for almost a week to have him again and I was craving the pleasure he knew how to provide so badly.

I walked to his room and stood in front of his bathroom door. I undressed and put my clothes on his bed before I could second guess my bold decision. I opened the door and walked inside the steamy room. I couldn't see or hear much because of the hot water falling. I took some steps closer with my bare feet and opened the glass door of the walk in shower.

He turned around when he heard the door, eyes closed because he was rinsing the shampoo from his hair.

"Camila?", he asked surprised.

"Shhh", I said and tiptoed to help him get rid of the foam and bubbles. He leaned his head to let me run my fingers throw it and quickly found my mouth with his when the job was done.

His body was wet and hot and that was enough to drive me even more crazy. He held me close while his tongue made its way inside my mouth. My body started to get wet and slippery with the water falling over my skin and he took advantage of this by running his hands all over me.

"God, you're so sexy", he said over my mouth and grabbing my butt.

My leg instictively moved up his hips and he held it there while he pushed me against the wall. I arched my back when I felt the slightly colder tiles on me. A moan escaped both of our mouths as my breast brushed against his chest. He took care of my neck and chills covered my body. That was such a sensitive part for me and he seemed to have noticed it as well.

He was still holding my leg and I knew he could feel how arouse I was every time my center brushed against his hip. He let go of my leg and with that same hand he teased my aching and swollen lips down there.

He rocked his hips in response. I wanted him, I wanted him now. It was not going to happen, though. At least not in the shower, because we had no condoms at hand. I was on the pill but I was not having unprotected sex with him until we both get tested. He knew how I felt about it and he totally agreed on being careful and responsible.

"I'm gonna taste you", he said bringing both hands to cup my breast and kissing between them.

"Oh fuck", I groanned when he kissed my belly and then moved further down.

He looked up at me, with hungry eyes while kneeling between my legs, right in front of my sex.

"Stay still", he told me and then ran one finger across my pussy, spreading my wetness. He pulled my legs apart with his hands and brought his face closer.

I breathed in and held the air in my lungs while I waited for his mouth to do its magic on me. The second his lips connected with my pussy and his tongue brushed my clit, I almost lost balance. He grabbed my hips and held me in place. It was the most sexy, erotic, amazing feeling to feel his wet mouth caressing my aching center.

"Oh God", I moaned, overwhelmed with the sensations.

He continued to lick and suck my clit while I moaned all kind of indistinguishable words, too lost in the moment.

When the pleasure started to gather at my lower belly, I didn't know what else to do but to grab his hair looking for some support.

"I'm gonna cum", I told him breathlessly and felt his smile over my pussy.

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