messing up

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At 6 pm Shawn texted me.

[S: I'm already hungry, should we have dinner first?]

I still hadn't told Liam I was going out with Shawn tonight. Last night's introspection gave too much to think about, so I extended myself some days to analyze all better before making any hardcore decision. Right now, everything seemed to be under a different light.

I was nervous. I didn't know what to tell Liam. I knew he didn't like Shawn and that he wasn't comfortable with me hanging out with him, but at the same time I felt like he didn't have a say on that. I can have friends and he can't take that away from me.

Before I could go and say something about it, he showed up on our bedroom.

"Hey, I'm going out with the guys tonight", he said.

"Oh... alright, I'm going out as well". I told him.

He walked around the bedroom and took a jacket from the closet.

"Are you leaving right now?", he asked with his back facing me.

"No, in half an hour, I think".

"Ok, I'm leaving now, so I'll see you later". He said taking his wallet and phone. He came over and kissed me on the forehead before leaving the room and then the apartment.

I couldn't help but sink on the matress trying to figure it out when we went from lovers to, apparently, just roommates. My heart ached at that realization.


"Do you like the place?", Shawn asked when we took our seats in the restaurant. He suggested this sushi restaurant and I obviously agreed.

"Yeah, it's really nice", I said looking around.

"I was getting really hungry", he chuckled. "I can't drink on an empty stomach".

"Me either. This was a great idea".

"I'm still so excited that they agreed to work with us", he said with a smile.

"I know, but we worked hard on it. We deserve this".

"Fuck yeah we do", he said and I laughed.

A waitress came and we ordered some different type of rolls to try them out.

"Ok, so tell me about you", I said putting down my glass of water. My mind was on overload and I needed something to bring me back to the present moment.

"Like what?", he asked.

"I don't know, your family, your friends, your hobbies... anything".

"Alright, well... My parents are not married but they're happily together. I have a younger sister, her name's Aaliyah and she's way too cool. I've had the same friends since highschool, you met them the other day and I... ah, well I play guitar, I play some sports and I like being outdoors".

"Why aren't your parents married? If that's not som..." He interrupted me before I could explain myself.

"They just aren't, but they celebrate their anniversay on Halloween every year".

"Really? That's so cool".

"Yeah, they're pretty cool. What about you?"

"Ok. I was born in Cuba but I grew up in Miami, my family still lives there. I also have a younger sister, Sofia. She's my everything. And I don't have many hobbies apart from reading and watching movies that make me cry".

"You were born in Cuba? I didn't know that".

"Yeah, my mom's cuban and my dad's mexican, but we moved here when I was 6 years old".

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