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I had no idea what had taken over me to accept Shawn's invitation. I had no idea what I was doing wearing these skinny jeans, black top and heels on a Saturday night and crossing town to meet him. He had texted me the address and offered to pay for the Uber that'd drive me there. I was surprised that it didn't take him long to convince me, he barely had to do anything to get me on board. Maybe it was the dancing around the house that reminded me of so many fun nights time ago and pushed me to go out tonight.

I'm not gonna lie, part of me still wanted to call it off and go back home. Part of me was feeling the anxiety and was not 100% sure of doing this. But these are just drinks and dancing, right? Shawn also told me there was no problem if at some point in the night I wanted to leave, he wouldn't hold me hostage or anything.

[C: I'm arriving.]

I texted him just a few blocks away.

[S: I'm outside, u'll see me.]

He texted back.

I had told Liam I was going out tonight. He didn't sound surprised, maybe he wasn't even interested on what I was about to do. He didn't ask me who I was going with and I didn't tell him either. He said he was tired from all the meetings, so he was going to bed early and that he would call me in the morning before heading back home.

"Wow", Shawn said when he saw me walking towards him minutes after.

He was wearing tight black jeans and a dark blue shirt with the sleeves rolled over his arms.

"You look great", he continued.

"You look very good yourself", I said.

"I'm really glad you came", he smiled. "Let's go, my friends are all inside".

I followed him inside the club. It was actually smaller and less crowded that I thought it would be. Blue lights set a relaxed mood. Shawn looked back at me a couple times making sure I was following him till we made our way to the booth his friends where gathered drinking. Three guys and one girl were sat around a black table.

They all looked at me when we arrived and Shawn introduced me to the group. I tried remembering all their names but I wasn't sure I even heard them right with music taking over the place. I just caugh the girl's name, Melissa, because she was closer to me.

"What can I get you?", Shawn asked as I took one of the empty seats.

"Uhm... Vodka and cranberry juice?"

"You got it".

"Thanks", I said before he walked over to the bar.

"So you're Camila", the girl next to me said. She had nice long hair and a kind smile with red lipstick on.

"Yeah...", I said.

"Shawn told us he had invited a good friend from work. It's nice to meet you".

"You too". I smiled. "So... have you been friends for a long time?"

"Well, my boyfriend...", she said eyeing the guy next to her that was enthusiastically chatting with the rest of the boys at the table, "and Shawn are old friends. I joined their group a year ago. They're good people".

"I can tell", I commented.

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

"I do, but he's out of town at the moment".

"Oh that's bad. Well, if we don't bored you, we could meet again and you could bring him", she said.

"I don't think you'll be the boring ones", Shawn sassy comment interrupted us while he placed a drink in front of me.

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