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A week after Shawn got back home, he had his first control appointment to check on his injuries, mainly to check on his ankle. His dad took us both to the hospital and Dr. Davis was waiting for us. After the X-rays and their analysis, the doctor said the recovery was looking good but he still had a long road ahead. At least 6 more weeks with the cast, he said.

"Are you ok?", I asked him when we got back to his apartment.

"Yeah... It could've been worse", he sighed and put ice on his ankle.

It could've really been worse according to what his friends recall from the accident and we were all so thankful he was just lamenting a fractured bone.

"I'm gonna take my stuff and leave, Brian should be here any minute", I said. "Will you be ok a few minutes alone?"

"Are you kidding? Of course, I'm not a baby", he said.

His friends were coming over and I was going back to my apartment to get some more stuff. My boss had allowed me work from home so I could take care of Shawn and there were a few things I needed to bring over.

"Ok, ok, sorry", I said and grabbed my things.

I walked up to him and kissed him goodbye.

"I'll see you tomorrow", I said.

"Wait. You're not coming back tonight?"

"No, I figured since you'll be with the guys tonight, I'd stay in my place with Nicole".

He looked sad but said goodbye.

Nicoles hugged me tight when I saw her after a week and I did the same. We had been talking daily but since we had got used to living together it was weird not seeing or hugging each other regularly now.

"How are you? How's Shawn?" she asked me.

I told her we were fine, that he was slowly doing better. I knew he was bored and tired of being home all the time but since he couldn't put weight on his ankle, it was hard to do many activities.

"That's normal", she said easing my concern about him getting frustrated with himself.

We had dinner and drank wine and then watched some Friends episodes before going to bed.

[C: I hope you're having fun, I miss u. Goodnight]

[S: Goodnight beautiful, I'll miss you in bed tonight]

Sleeping in my bed felt nice until it felt lonely. I liked my pillows more than Shawn's, but his chest was by far the best pillow. I missed his warm body next to me and I missed hearing the soothing sound of his breathing. I felt asleep a while later and his face was all I saw in my dreams. It was not a clear dream this time, not like the other ones I've had. This didn't make much sense, I just saw him around and his face made my heart happy.

The next morning I woke up early and, in my way to his apartment, I bought us breakfast.

The first thing I saw when I entered the apartment was not something I was expecting. It was a mess. The kitchen and the living room had empty pizza boxes, beer bottles, used napkins and dirty plates everywhere. I sighed thinking how when I left yesterday, the place was nice, tidy and clean.

I moved to the bedroom and there I found an image I was actually glad to see. Shawn was laying in the middle of the bed, sheets around his waist. He was shirtless and had one hand over his chest. His lips were parted and the curls were a cute mess.

I put my stuff on the floor and the paper bag with the breakfast on the night table. I took off my shoes and cuddle next to him in bed, just what I wanted to do last night. He breathed in and whined in his sleep before waking up.

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