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I ran my fingers over his face, his cheek, his jaw, down his neck, his shoulder, his arm. He was in pain and I just wanted to take some of that away from him, one caress at a time. He kept his eyes closed and a tiny smile on his face. When I reached his hand, he took mine and brought it to his lips to kiss it.

"Thank you", he said.

"For what?", I asked.

"For being here, for worrying about me".

I grabbed his hand on both of mine and kiss it as well.

"I wouldn't be anywhere else", I told him, every word full of hope, honesty and love. He opened his eyes and looked at me tenderly.

Shawn and I saw his parents and sister appeared on the door right when the doctor made his way in as well. We were still holding hands and I could see his mom looking at it. I stood up, feeling unease, but also to let the doctor check on Shawn.

"I'm Dr. Davis", he introduced himself. "I was here last night when you came in, you gave us some work, boy", the man said.

"I'm sorry...?", Shawn said unsure and I giggled but immediately shut up after.

"It's ok. How are you feeling?" Dr. Davis had amazing short grey hair, very Richard Gere.

"My back and head hurt", Shawn said.

"And it will for a while", the doctor told him. "Your muscle were in a state of shock for a few hours, trying to cope with the impact. Now that they're relaxing, they're feeling the aftermatch. I'll make sure you get the painkillers you need to feel comfortable".

"Thanks, doc".

"Now I want you to look up", he said taking a small flashlight out of his pocket an turning it on right in front of Shawn's eyes. "Look down. And follow my finger", he finally said, moving his hand on different directions.

"Is he ok?", Karen asked after being quiet this whole time.

"I'm trying of making sure of that", Dr. Davis told her.

The doctor asked him some question while patting Shawn's abdomen and then checked the treated wounds on his arm. He had a nasty scratch on his right elbow but the doctor said it was clean and should heal just fine.

"Now, how do you feel? Any dizziness, headache, nausea?", he asked him.

"All of them", Shawn answered. I knew he wasn't completely comfortable but he hadn't said anything about nauseas.

"I can tell that you hit your head really hard, but lucky for you everything looks normal. You will feel tired, dizzy and even irritable because of the concussion; but those symptoms should go away with some rest. It's normal that you feel that way now, there haven't been even 12 hours since the accident. Take it easy, ok? As for your foot, we'll monitor its recovery with weekly x-rays and some physical therapy. Any questions?"

"Yeah... what happened here?", Shawn said touching the bandage on his forehead.

"You had a cut there. Because the forehead area contains a significant amount of blood supply that irrigated muscles in the face, one cut can make you bleed like hell and that was the case. Paramedics treated that wound on the ambulance and it should be barely visible in the future".

"Ok, good", my boyfriend said, his ego taking a deep breath and resting at ease. His dad laughed and shook his head.

"I think you're ok, Shawn, but I still want to keep you at least for two more days to monitor some of your recovery. Right now, the best you can do is rest".

"He will", his mom said adamant and the doctor smiled.

"Alright, good. Excuse me now", he said and left the room.

The atmosphere turn awkward the moment the doctor was no longer with us but the girl that I assumed was his sister broke the silence by jumping and hugging Shawn.

"Easy, sister", he moaned in pain but with a smile.

"Oh, I'm sorry", she apologized.

"That's ok".

"I was so worried", she said still hugging him but more carefully this time. She slowly let go of him and looked in my direction with curious eyes.

"Uh... so, mom, dad, Aaliyah... this is my girlfriend, Camila", he said and smiled nervously at him, trying to get some comfort by looking at his honey brown eyes.

"Nice to meet you all... again", I said when they didn't say anything.

"I'm Aaliyah", his sister said and held out her hand, I took it right away.

"Well you hadn't said anything", his mom commented but walked around to give me a hug. "Hi, Camila", she said to me.

"Hi", I spoke softly. Never before I had been so nervous to meet someone's parents.

His dad also came to hug me and told me to call him Manny, like the rest of world did, he said.

It was warm and cozzy for a few minutes, but then the room was silent again. I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket and took it as my sign to leave. I told them I had to take the call and walked to the hall, leaving them on their own.

I picked up the call and talked to my mom. She called me every Sunday morning and today it was no exception. I told her right away what had happened. She freaked out for a moment, thinking I was with Shawn at the moment of the accident and that I was injured as well, but I managed to calm her down and explained it better. She sounded genuinely concerned about my boyfriend and that warmed my heart. She hadn't even met him yet but already cared, I appreciated that so much. I asked her to put dad on the phone for a while. The whole situation made me appreciate my family and loved ones even more, and right now I needed to hear my dad's voice.

"Te amo, hija", he said after chatting for a while.

"Te amo, papi", I told him and we both hang up.

I took a deep breath before going back to Shawn's room and when I was almost there I heard his mom laugh and then say:

"Well, we'll see if this one lasts".

Her words were sarcastic, and there was no doubts she was refering to me. I turned around and walked away before they could see me. I didn't know how to handle that situation at the moment.

I never expected to meet Shawn's family this way but we did and I couldn't change that. The part that I couldn't understand was the tense, uncomfortable feeling between us. I was hoping it was just me overthinking, because honestly, I wouldn't know what to do if his family didn't like me.

I took a walk to calm and brave myself before coming back.

Shawn's POV

"Mom...", I complained.

Ever since Camila left the room to talk on the phone, my mom hadn't stopped asking and commenting about her. I knew the news about me dating were going to be surprising to them, specially if I told them it was a serious relationship, but it was being harder than I had thought.

"What?", she wondered. "She's a nice girl, but she's not the first nice girl I've seen you with".

"Can you just trust me on this?", I asked annoyed. Her inquiries plus my nonstop headache was not a good mix.

"Alright", my dad said. "You can discuss that later. You should rest now as the doctor said, son".

I closed my eyes trying to relaxed my mind. All I wanted was to have Camila by my side again, touching my hair like she always did. That felt so good last night that in matter of minutes I was asleep, and when I woke up hours later, I missed her like crazy.

Why was she taking so long?


a/n: hey surprise! New chapter in less than 24 hrs lol. Enjoy

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