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As I felt asleep late, I woke up more tired  than usual and that made my whole morning routine more difficult. I also spilled coffee on my blouse and I had to change before leaving the house. I didn't know how I managed to get to work on time but I did. What I didn't manage to do was to get there before Shawn, as I always do, and he wasn't alone.

I sighed before dropping my bag on my table  and letting the woman that was sat on my chair know that I had arrived. I  just wanted to sit and be moody on my own. She seemed startled at first and turned around with an annoyed look on her face, as if I was doing something so rude to her.

"Hi, there" I said with a trying tone. "I'd like my seat back".

She looked at me really quick and then looked back at Shawn. What was she doing, asking for back up? I just wanted my chair.

"Good morning, Camila", Shawn murmured watching the scene reclined back on his chair.

"Hi", I answered shortly.

"This is Tiffany, financial department. Have you met her?" he introduced us.

"Haven't had the pleasure. Hi Tiffany, I need my seat", I said looking at her.

"Whatever", she said under her breath but I  heard her anyways. She stood up and placed a hand on Shawn's shoulder before telling him goodbye and walking away, completely ignoring me. Shawn followed her with his  eyes until she disappeared on a corner.

"Nice girl", I said sarcastically, finally getting my seat.

"How are you?", he asked ignoring my comment.

"Fine", I replied getting some of my things our of my bag. He stared at me in silent.

"If you say so...", he mumbled and turned his chair to face his desk.

"Excuse me?", I asked him for clarification.

"What?", he said as he hadn't heard me.

I was moody enough already to have Shawn on top of that annoying me. It hadn't happened yet but I could see it coming, so I made a mental note to ignore his comments when they weren't related to work. It didn't help that Alex came to sit next to us and chat with him about Tiffany all morning. Didn't they have stuff to do than just talking about a girl?

"If you don't ask her out, I will", Alex said laughing.

"I don't know, man..." Shawn said rubbing his jaw with his long fingers.

"What is there to know, dude? She's so hot".

"I know she is, but she seems to want more, you know? She seems like the kind of girl that expects a relationship and I don't want that".

"Oh, got ya", Alex replied considering what Shawn had said. "Well you can always have fun meanwhile".

"We'll see".

Alex went back to his desk and Shawn turned around again.

"So you don't want a relationship?", I asked Shawn. He looked at me with a smirk on his face before saying anything.

"I don't see myself in one right now, but I'm no against relationships. I don't have comitment issues if that's what you want to know".

"Then why don't you want to date her?"

"I'm just not interested".

"I thought you were this morning".

"If I was interested in someone you would know. Everyone would know".

"Why's that?"

"Because I don't hide. If I want something, I'll do my best to try to get it. I don't do "what if's", he said leaning forward on his chair and placing his elbows on his knees and looking at me.

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