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Shawn didn't stop looking at me and smiling all morning. It's not a simple smile, it's a "I know the way you taste" smile. He's asking for more and I want that too, but I can't. I just can't.

I tried to ignore him, but he's like a magnet and I can't get away from him. He's consuming all my thoughts, rising my temperature and driving me crazy.

I wanted to tell him to stop but that would be a lie. The thing was that I was enjoying his attention a little too much and I still didn't know how to react. I wanted time to think but it was so fucking difficult when he was right there next to me running his finger through his hair, laughing with his sexy voice and being overall attentive and caring with me.

I told Nicole all about it when I got home and found her on the couch because it was her day off. She screamed so high that my ears kinda hurt. Then she bombarded with questions and asked me to show her a picture of him.

"Wow", she said under her breath. "Look, I might be into girls, but this guy does things to me as well".

I laughed and blushed because she was right. He was way too hot for his own good. And he wanted me, what?

"I don't know what to do..." I sighed.

"Well, I would say you have think about what you want. You're single now, you don't have to get into a new intense relationship right away. Enjoy this time. Maybe you can just have some fun. And if he's on board... fuck buddies sounds like a lot of fun. Just make sure you are ok with whatever you choose to do first".

"Fuck buddies?", I said tasting the words in my mouth.

"It could be fun...", She raised her eyebrows provocatively.

Would that be a good idea? It would really help this heat inside my body and reduce some of the tension between us, but what if that goes wrong? What if it just ruins the friendship that we have? What if he doesn't even what to try? I've never done something like that before, not even a one night stand. I've only been on serious relationships.

I went to bed with that idea roaming my head. My body ached at the mere possibility of trying something like that with Shawn and when I remembered the wet dream I had, my hands just traveled involuntarily to the place between my legs.

I touched myself like I haven't done in a long time, a new and unexpected need taking over me. The sparkle on his eyes after our kisses, the color of his lips, the weight of his hands over my body, the almost real feeling of him doing to me what I was doing to myself... all of that added up to make me pant and arch my back while my fingers worked on finding the release I was craving. When I finally got to the point of no return and my body exploded in waves of pleasure that went from my clit to every inch of my body, Shawn's name got trapped in my mouth and I knew I was lost.

I wanted him and I wanted him so bad.


He looked at me while I turned off the laptop and put some of my things back in my bag. I could feel his gaze over me and it was killing me. I felt so vulnerable yet desired. I haven't felt like this in a while and it was new and exciting. He was making me feel things I had completely shut down or forgotten.

I still hadn't told him about the idea going around in my head. I didn't know how to do it but I was dying to do so soon.

He had been true to his words and hadn't pushed anymore. He was being his normal self, and for me, that was more than enough to drool over him.

"Will you stare at me until I leave?", I said.

I, on the other hand, was being sassier than usual, but he seemed to enjoy it.

"I could, actually". He smiled.

I looked at him and nodded with a smile. This guy...

"What are you doing this afternoon?" I asked him.

"Uh... nothing".

I wanted to tell him, I wanted to shoot my shot and make my very indecent offer but I had no idea how. I knew I was the one who needed to make the next move. He was not going to try anything unless I give him a green flag, but my green flag had some other color on it as well.

"Why you ask?" He said interested in my question.

"I uh..."

"What, Camila?" he insisted.

"I would like to talk to you about something..." I said slowly.

"About what?"

Fuck. I won't tell him I want him with no strings attached in front of everyone in the office.

"Something personal", I bit my lip unconscious. "Do you have time after work?"

"Yes. So much time". He smiled.


a/n: it's a short one I know but you just wait 😌

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