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For some reason, I felt lighter. I was afraid of jumping on a new relationship so soon, but so far it felt nothing like what I had expected. The couple of other relationships I had before slowly started to consume me and I know I played a big part of that, so I was glad this time I was acting different. A good kind of different.

It was nice we both had time for ourselves, considering we already spent a lot of time together at work. Living with Nicole and constantly having Leah over was specially fun and I was enjoying that.

At work, Alex was happily teasing us since he realized I was the girl Shawn was smiling for. Nothing much changed there and our collegues actually admited they had been rooting for us to be together for a while which clearly surprised me.

Today, we were just finishing a meeting that had last most of the afternoon. My back hurt and I was desperate to get up and stretch my legs. Shawn was sat across from looking bored and tired of all this talking.

[C: Are u bored?]

I texted him from under the table. He took his phone out of his pocket lazily and look at it.

[S: So much. Entertain me]

His eyes met mine with a lascivious smile and I giggled. Why did his mind always go there?

[C: Your hair looks like it could use my fingers on it]

He looked at me again after reading the text and slowly run his fingers through his hair, just like I was dying to do myself.

[S: I wish u were on my lap right now]

[C: I'd be kissing u]

[S: I'd be giving u all the caresses u deserve]

[C: I can't wait to have your hands on me]

I immediately bit my lip after sending that last text. I saw him gasp and hold his breathe when he got it. He didn't look at me this time, instead his eyes roamed around the room for a while and then went back to his phone.

[S: You're killing me]

I giggled and felt a spark of satisfaction inside me.

For a few minutes, I was so caught in our exchange of message that I didn't notice the meeting had ended until people started to stand up and walk to the door.

In a silent agreement, we both waited for the others to leave before getting up ourselves. We met at the door and his hand moved quickly to my waist.

"Do you remember this room?", he whispered in my ear.

I frowned when I couldn't understand what he meant.

"Remember when you were all sassy because you thought I was seeing other girls and attacked my mouth later?"

I stopped walking and he stood in front of me with a funny smile on his face. I blushed.

"That's not..."

"It is", he interrupted me. "And it was so hot".

He turned around and walked away. He looked so good on his suit pants and tight white shirt.


"How are you?", my mom said on the phone.

"I'm great", I told her feeling every word.

"Good, I'm glad."

"How are you guys?", I asked grabbing a grape and eating it.

"We're fine, Mila", she said cheerfully. "I was actually a bit worried you were sad because things between you and Liam had ended, but it's so nice to hear that you're doing ok".

I knew she was worried, even when I assured time after time the break up hadn't been so traumatic. It was what was best for both of us.

"I'm really good, mom. I actually met someone..." I said shyly because Shawn was right next to me on the couch. He looked at me with a curious face.

"Oh", she said first. "That's good. Is he treating you well?"

"Sí, mami", I said in a stupid attemp to hide my reply but of course he understood what meant.

"All I care about is you and your sister's happiness, so if you tell me you're happy, then I'm happy".

"I know. You can be happy", I said and held his hand that was resting over my thigh.

"Que bueno. I have to go now and make some dinner", she told me.

"Ok, I love you, mamá. Tell papá and Sofi I love them too, and I miss you all".

"We love you and miss you too, hija. Bye-bye".

I hung up and felt his stare on me. I was a mix of shy, nervous and happy.

"So...", he started to say. "You might really like me if you told your mom about us".

I smiled big, because that was what I did when I was "good nervous".

"Is that ok?", I asked.

"Are you kidding me?", he said in disbelief. "It's more than ok. Come here".

He cupped my face and kissed me slowly. I was addicted to his lips and the softness of his tongue. He pushed until we were both laying on the couch, me on my back and him on top. He was nice and gentle, and that was all I wanted right now.

He kissed my lips, my jaw, my neck, my cheeks. He left pecks all over my face until I got tickles and started giggling. He held me in his arms and I wrapped my arms around his torso, keeping him close. We switched positions so I could lay on top while he touched my hair and I ran my finger over his skin, from his jaw to his chest.

"Camila?", he asked softly.


"I really like you".

His confession made me smile and warmed my heart. I kissed him again, taking my time.

"I like you too".

"I mean it, I haven't liked someone like I like you since... Well, maybe never". His eyes were soft, showing me how much truth there was in his words.

"I know what you mean. I've liked other people, but never this fast", I admitted myself.

"We're doing good, then", he said with a proud smile.

"I think so".

I rested my head on his chest again. I was always so cuddly with my previous boyfriends. Well, with everyone actually. I liked to hug and hold people, always been near. It felt so nice that Shawn was the same way and was always willing to cuddle and hang out, never rejecting my touch but being just as attentive with me.

"I also really like your booty", he said placing his open hand on me and changing the mood.

He was really something else. I laughed and hid my face on his neck.

"I'm serious", he said with a happy tone, rubbing my ass over my jeans.

"Mmm", I moaned next to him.

"Do you like that?"

I rubbed my hips against his hips and his hand. I felt the growing bulge under his pants and managed to steal a groan from his throat.

"You do, huh?"

My sex life had never been better and that was a fact. I kissed him hard and deep, answering  him without words. Things escalated quickly from there.


A/n: Hi, I hope you're all good. I just wanted to share some of the day to day of these two now. Enjoy, vote and tell me what you think.
I already know how to end this story but I don't really know when that's gonna happen. And I'm working on another one for when this one ends, just wanted to let you know :)

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