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I looked at Shawn standing at the front with his impeccable suit and elegant stance. He looked like he belonged there, in front of people, catching everyone's attention. He had inevitably ran his fingers through his hair and had thrown some curls around. His eyes locked with mine before the music started and people got up from their seat, he blew me a kiss and I smiled. I felt the butterflies in my stomach like if he had actually kissed me.

I got up as well and turned to see the beautiful bride making her entrance with her dad. Melissa had a delicate boho style white wedding dress that made her look dreamy. Her hair was braided in the back, with soft curls falling over her shoulders. I looked at Dave, because I always love watching the groom's reaction when they see their partners appeared. He had the biggest smile on his face and he couldn't help but wipe his eyes when he saw Melissa coming closer to him.

Shawn's eyes were on me, intensely staring. I blushed and felt a heat warming my body just by the way he was looking at me. The last two months had been great. After that much needed talk, things evolved slowly but nicely. Shawn was right when he said he was going to win my trust back, he really did. We spent New Year's Eve with his friends and he had a new attitude already. A week later he had a new appointment with the doctor and he removed the cast from his ankle and replaced it with a walking boot. It was lighter and more comfortable, he said. He had to use that for a month plus some physiotherapy to regain strength in his muscles; now he was good as new and free from any medical equipment completely discharged. Since day one after coming back from Miami I stayed at my place. I understood my independent was key and I didn't want to jeopardize that. I still crashed at Shawn's place every now and then, but I was not spending as much time there as I did before. We already spent a lot of time together at work and it was good missing each other sometimes.

"You can kiss the bride", the officiant said and Dave and Melissa looks tenderly at each other before kissing.

They were the cutest couple I'd seen and I was glad I had met them. All Shawn's friend made me feel welcomed and loved and that was great, because I never got along with my ex's friends, nor did I made an effort to, though. Now it was different, I liked hanging with them.

At the reception, Shawn, Connor and Brian got up to give their speech as best men. They've prepared this thoroughly since they had to hide during the engagement party.

"We are so happy you said yes", Brian said to Melissa. "Honestly, we all had been heartbroken if you had said no, we spent days planning the proposal, it was crazy. In a way you said yes to all of us if you think about it".

People laughed and Brian patted Shawn and Connor and then winked at Dave that shook his head laughing.

"We just want to thank you, Melissa, for making this guy disgustingly happy. And if you Dave dare to make our wife suffer, you'll hear from us, man", Connor continued and stole some more laughs.

"You guys are wonderful and we're so happy for you two. We wish you nothing but the best in your married life. I know when you find the one you know it, and you guys knew that from the first day. Congratulations!". Shawn finished the toast and looked for my eyes among the crowd before drinking his champagne.

He came back to sit beside me at the table and kissed me before saying anything else.

"I love you", he told me with a smile.

"I love you too", I giggled.

Probably two weeks after our cathartic talk, I said to him that I indeed loved him. I knew I did and he knew it as well, but I hadn't say it explicitly after all that had happened. It was just a quiet night at his place, we were both brushing our teeth and I don't even remember what he said, but he made me laugh and in between that laugh I just said I loved him. He stared at me through the mirror in front of us in silence and then rinsed his mouth. I did the same and waited for his reaction. He looked at me tenderly and kissed me like his life depended on it. When the kiss ended his cheeks were pink and his eyes had a nice glow. I caressed his face and touched his hair while he rested his forehead on mine. I love you, I repeated that time and he said it back too.

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