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Shawn's POV

We had passed on the usual drinks on friday because we had arranged with my and her friends to go out tonight. Camila was the one suggesting the idea and I was kinda surprised she had, because I knew she wasn't so keen on going out partying but she looked really excited about it.

She told me we would all meet outside the club and she would be coming with her friends and their dates, so I got together with my friends and I waited for them outside.

"I see things worked out", Melissa said teasing me while we waited.

"They sure did", I told her smiling.

"I'm glad", she said. "It was so obvious".

"Well, someone actually pushed me to do it", I remarked.

"I did not", she said offended. "It was just an advice".

"What are you talking about?", Dave asked a bit confused.

"Shawn and Camila," she explained. "I knew they were meant to be, that's all".

"Please don't say that around her", I said with a chuckle. "I don't want to scare her with forever. We're pretty good as we are right now".

"Don't worry, we're gonna behave", she said. "Right, guys?"

Brian, Connor and her fiance nodded in agreement. Damn, I was grateful for my friends. And I was so grateful for my girlfriend when I saw her making her way towards us. Her hair cascading around her shoulders, red lips and tight jeans and top that made me gasp.

"Hi", she shyly said when she got closer.

I pulled her in for a hug and then kissed her shortly before saying hi back. She laughed and rubbed his thumb over my lips to remove some of her lipstick before going around hugging my friends.

"These are Nicole, Steph, Leah and Patrick", she said pointing to the people that arrived with her. I have already met her friends but I hadn't seen their partners before.

We were a big group but we managed to get a nice place to drink and talk before going to the dance floor. What we talked about was a mistery to me, I was too obsessed watching my girl next to me with her hand on my thigh, ocassionally rubbing it up and down. She was oblivious to what she was doing to me, she was just that affectionated. I wasn't complaining, of course. How could I?

At some point in the night, when we were dancing and she was moving her hips against my body and shaking her entire body to the beat of the music, I decided I couldn't take it anymore.

I place my hand on her belly, making her crash her back to my chest and I bent my head down to whisper in her ear.

"Let's say goodbye and go to my apartment so I can have my way with you".

She listened to me carefully and then rubbed her ass against me to feel my semi trapped in my pants. I moaned in her ear to let her know how I was feeling. She turned around and wrapped her arms around my neck, playing with my hair on the back of my head.

"Hmm...", she murmured after kissing me. "How do you plan to have your way with me?"

Fuck, she was teasing me.

"I'll get rid of your clothes first and then lay you down on the sofa and touch you until you beg me to go further".

The air got trapped in her lungs and I saw her bit her lips to suppress a moan. She look at me with shiny eyes and smiled.

"My God...", she said giggling and shoking her head in delight.

How could she be so sexy and cute at the same time?

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