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"Do you have everything?", I asked Shawn as he loaded the car with our bags.

"I think so", he said closing the truck. "Are you ready?"

He stood in front of me and held me by my waist while leaving small pecks in my neck that made me giggle.

"If you keep doing that, we won't leave on schedule", I whispered stroking his broad shoulders.

"Fine", he said and gave up. "Just because I'm too excited about this".

He smiled like a little kid and turned around to open the door of the car for me. He then jogged around and got on the driver's seat.

"What time is it?", he asked me while starting the car.

"8:04", I told him checking my phone.

"I say if we only stop for food, gas, and maybe just make out we'll be at Death Valley around 5 pm...", he thought out loud.

"Just make out?", I asked him amused.

"Well yeah, other affairs would put us behind schedule", he explained.

"I'm just surprised you put that on the itinerary", I said.

"Camila, I always want to make out with you. It has to be in the itinerary", he told me adamant and couldn't help a soft laugh escaping my mouth. He was so cute.

"Ok", I agreed and look at him with heart eyes.

We had been planning this road trip for maybe 3 months. We decided to take some time off from work now that we where still young and combined those days with our much deserved vacations to travel all the way from San Francisco to Florida to visit my family.

The plan was to visit Death Valley National Park tomorrow and stay at some hotel tonight. It was a 8 hours trip, a long way there, but we were both excited and ready to go on the road together.

We have been together for a year and a half already, and apart from some domestic disagreements, we were doing pretty well. He was as charming, clever, annoying and cocky as always and I loved him for that. He still made me feel like the prettiest girl in the office and made sure to take me out of my comfort zone, holding my hand and being by side whenever I needed him. Safe to say, he was still taking my breath away. He started to grow a very subtle beard, if we could call it that, and I was really fond of it.

4 hours into the trip we made the first stop to have lunch. Shawn breathed out loudly and stretched his arms when he got out of the car.

"Are you tired?", I asked him fixing my hair up in a ponytail. It was getting hot outside.

"Nope, just hungry", he said and offered me his hand to intertwined our fingers.

We walked around Bakersfield, the first place we had stopped in our trip, until we found a food truck on the path way selling Mediterranean food. We asked for two chicken shawarma and water bottles.

"I read that stargazing is better when there's a new moon and we happen to be just on time for that", I said happily.

"You're really excited about it", he pointed out.

"I am", I smiled.

We had bought a tent and all the other camping stuff necessary for this one night because I had read the Death Valley was a great place to see the Milky Way. I wasn't the camping type kind of girl, and Shawn wasn't either, but we wanted this, so we were willing to make the sacrifice.

We finished our lunch and stopped by a supermarket for snacks before getting back on the road. I rolled down the window and felt the air in my face while Shawn tapped the steering wheel to the beat of a song.

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