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Knock. Knock.

They all looked at the Jashinist who only grunted in reply. "Yeah, yeah. I'm on it." He lazily got up and opened the door.

"Hey F*cker! What the hell you want?!"

But he saw no one. Hidan looked to the left and right, finding again, no one. He then looked down and saw a small square package wrapped in brown paper. He picked it up.

To: The Akatsuki


From: Anonymous

The silver-haired male rose an eyebrow. "Enjoy? What the F*ck does that suppose to mean?!" He then brought it in and closed the door.


"So, did he took the bait?"

"Positive. Prepare for step two."

"Roger that."


"Hey Hidan, who was that?" Kisame asked as he switched the channel. All the other members looked at him, who only carelessly threw the package on the coffee table.

"Somebody left this on out doorstep." He said and sat down.

They all stopped what they were doing and gaze at the package suspiciously.

"What's inside, un?"

"How the F*ck should I know?! The package isn't even opened yet, baka!"

"Hm.. Maybe we should give this to Leader-sama. You know, just to make sure."

"Great thinking Sasori, my man! Leader would definately know what to do, un!"

They all nodded in agreement as Kakuzu held it in his hands. And then, a thought came to the greedy man's mind,

"Or, maybe we should sell it to some shinobi to find out what's inside?" He suggested.

Everyone sweatdropped.

"Heh. Really the F*cking Money Freak, eh pal?"

"You only want the cash, un."

"I agree. Money can't last for eternity, you know."

"Yeah, but it can buy ya sake!"



"Tobi is a good boy!!"

"SHUT UP! (un.)!!" -All of them.


Purple-ringed eyes scanned the package in front of him while the others sat on the chairs around the long table.

"Hm. It appears that someone really brave just left this to us on purpose..that, or someone really, really stupid." He said and read the note.

"Enjoy? I wonder what it means.."


Tobi whined while crying fake tears. Pein smirked. "Alright then Tobi, since you want to see what's inside so bad, then why don't you open it?" The tangerine-haired man said and gave him the box.

The others snickered, with Konan whispering in the background: "Let's just wish it's a bomb."

And so the lollipop excitedly held it and with one rip, the package and box was open, revealing none other than an emerald necklace.

"Oohhh! Deidara-senpai, look! It suits you!!"

The blonde twitched.


Tobi then touched the necklace, but as soon as he did...



"That's the signal!"

Naruto yelled and motioned for his other two teammates to take action. They swiftly ran into the hideout and reached the meeting room's door.

Sakura opened it and smiled.

Naruto and Sai followed behind, and smirked.

There, on the floor, laid ten little cuties who have ages raging from five to seven.

"Sakura, are you there? How's it going?"

Said kunoichi chuckled.

"Mission accomplished sensei. They are no longer a threat to the Leaf.. Now, let's meet,

The Akatsuki Kids."


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