Chapter Three

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Hey everyone! So, I just wanted to let you know the following things:

1) I always thought that Scorpious should be in James's year, not Albus's.

2) The girl with the pink- blue streaks is George's daughter, Aly, though James didn't notice because he was looking out the window.

3) Trinity is Luna Lovegood's daughter.

4) Trey is Neville's son.

Okay, so, here's chapter three. Hope you like it.


Chapter Three

The next morning, James woke with a start. Today was his first day of lessons at Hogwarts. He jumped out of bed and got dressed. The only other person left on the dormitory was Trey, who's legs were hanging off the side of the bed. James cautiously walked over, "Trey?"

"Go away," he muttered, "I'm sleeping."

James walked to the other side of Trey's bed and pushed him off. He made a loud thunk as he hit the floor. "OW!" He blinked and sat up, "What was that for?"

"We need to hurry. Besides, I want to eat before class starts," James said, walking towards the door.

"You coulda left me to sleep," Trey insisted.

James shrugged and walked out of the room.


James sat down next to Emma and began to pile food onto his plate.

"A nice hi would do, cuz," Aly said, sitting across from him.

James looked up to see his crazy cousin, Aly. She had pink and blue streaks in her black hair, blue- green eyes, and a smirk that never left her face. "Hey, Aly."

All Aly ate was a simple banana, not really paying attention to James after that. A bunch of owls came swooping in James was suprised to see that he had a letter.

He looked at the large hand writing on the front. Lily. He tore open the envolope and read the letter:

Hi, big brother. I just want to know what house you're in.

Being at home still sucks. I wanna be at Hogwarts. Albus is boring, sitting and reading all the time. He doesn't even like Quiditch! It's not fair that I have to suffer and you can be there.

Love Lilz

"Who is that from?" Emma asked, reading over his shoulder.

"My sister," James replied, "She's jelous."

"Lily? Jelous?" Aly snorted, "I highly doubt that. If anyone should be jelous, it'd be us. We have to miss the every-other-weekend family dinner day thingy."

"I forgot about that. Thanks for reminding me," James said, kind of upset. That was the only time he wasn't annoyed by his brother, sister, and certain cousins (Hugo).


James's first class was with Slytherin, (which was okay, since that's the house Scorpious is in) and that class was potions.

Professor Hayleyhan was pretty nice. She had long blonde hair that went down to her waist, blue eyes that always looked sad, and pale skin.

"Welcome to potions!" She said, smiling. "Today will be basic. We'll just talk about what you know and what you hope to learn this year."

Everyone looked around. James and Scorpious held back laughter. It wasn't funny at all, but for some reason, they really wanted to laugh. Maybe it was the way she had said it, or the expression on her face.

So, weird chapter, I know. Not as good as usual, but I have plans for this story. The song you see over on the side, LISTEN TO IT. I demand you! Okay, you don't have to, but I recomend it. It's called Wizard Rock (which is a form of rock) and it's by The Boyz Who Lived. I wish they hadn't broken up, they were one of the best wizard rock bands. Enjoy!

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