Chapter Eighteen: Quidditch and a Birthday

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THANK YOU FOR GETTING ME THIS FAR! I do want to warn you that I may be a little slow... I have exams on Monday- Wenseday. :/ But, I'm trying to update today and tomorrow on everything. Okay, not everything, but most of my bigger projects at the moment. :)


James: Psst.

Emily: ...

James: Psst! Emily!

Emily: What James, I'm trying to study for exams!

James: Does goddessoflife own Harry Potter.

Emily: I hate to say it, but no, James, she doesn't.

James: :O *faints*

Chapter Eighteen: Quidditch and a Birthday

On Emily's birthday, Febraury twenty fourth, was the third quidditch game of the season. James was over excited about it. He loved quidditch. He's trying out for the team next year for sure. He knew his dad had been on the team in his first year...

The match was between Gryffindor and Slytherin. Scorpius had to sit with his other friends because Trintiy and Emily were sitting with James, supporting Gryffindor. Scorpius said he would, but his house might try and kill him if he did.

James watched as his some of his cousins walked onto the pitch: Domonique, who was in her third year, Sam, who was in her fifth year, Fred, who was also a fifth year, and Roxanne, who was in her fourth year.

The players got into their places and they game started.

"That one girl- whatever her name is-"

"Alea!" McGonagall said.

"-has scored ten points for Gryffindor!" Derek Jordan's voice said. (Hehe:)

Everyone watched as a Bludger nearly killed a Slytherin team member, and Fred was laughing so hard it was obvious he'd hit it.

"GRYFFINDOR SCORES!" roared Derek.

Cheers erupted from the area where all of the Gryffindors were sitting.

After about an hour, the game ended and Gryffindor won by 370 points.

"YES!" James screamed. Emily and Trinity were laughing at his enthusiasm towards the win. "What?" he asked.

"You look hilarious. Plus it's my birthday."

"I know we an't go, but isn't it stupid: Hogsmeade and a quidditch game on the same day?"

"A bit," James said as the walked towards the castle. "Dang, I'm hungry."

"We still have twenty minutes before lunch. What do you wanna do?"

James smirked, "I know. Follow me."


James's Uncle George had told him where to locate the kitchens. They could easily get food. He knew that everyone else would be celebrating their win, so why not get food?

He tickled the pear and the portrait melted away and they stepped onto the kitchens. "Whoa. This is epic!" Trinity said.

The elves gathered around them. "Can we help you?" One of them asked.

"Thanks," James said, "Could you have some butterbeer appear in the Gryffindor common room?"

They all nodded and rushed around, snapping their fingers and bumping into each other, trying to get it done quickly.

"Done!" A few squeked.

"Thanks, guys!" James said.


Before heading for the common rooms, Emily said, "Grab me a butterbeer for lunch. It can be my birthday gift."

"M'kay," James said.

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