Chapter Twelve: The Weasley Stomp

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I bet you've heard The Weasley Stomp. It's the third song in the sixth movie's credits. I love it so much, it's now the name of this chapter and my new program. When I say new program, I mean for figure skating. I'll be skating to TWS. Cool, isn't it? Moving on- here's the chapter!

Chapter Twelve: The Weasley Stomp

On Christmas Eve, Lily was in the kitchen with her mom, helping her make cookies the Muggle way. "Sometimes, I think this way is better," Lily said, smiling slightly. She dug her hands into the cookies dough and set some on the already messy counter. James came up and picked a little piece of and ate it.

"Can't we just eat the cookie dough?" James asked.

"You think you'd have enough logic to know that eating too much cookie dough will make you sick, James," Albus said, looking up from his book.

"I do, actually. It tasted better. Plus I'd like to see you being able to preform a spell on your first try."

"James! Albus! Would you two stop fighting for one second! It is Christmas Eve!" Ginny was upset.

"Sorry, mum," James said.

Albus just looked down at his book, not bothering to say anything.


After opening all of their gifts, the three Potter children were scrambling to get ready to go to their grandparent's house.

"James!" Harry called.

"Coming, dad!" He yelled, nearly killing himself while coming down the steps. "Ow," he muttered, rubbing his arm.

They were going by floo powder. James hated that stuff. He nearly dies from suffication because he doesn't like the smell of it.

"How can you even smell it?" Lily asked James as she grabbed a little bit of the powder from the string bag sitting on the mantel.

"I don't know!" he said, "It just smells bad!"

"Okay, James, you first," Ginny said.

James grimced as he held the powder. As soon as he stepped in, he faced his family and threw it at the ground, "The Burrow!"

He kept his hands tightly at his sides, catching glimpses of living rooms with Christmas trees brightly lighting the room. He came to such an abrupt halt, he fell out of the fireplace at his granparent's. "I'm okay!" he said, coughing a little bit.

Aly was smirking, "Nice entry."

"Shut up!" he said.


All of the kids agreed that they wanted to play Quidditch. The adults were slightly worried that it was too cold, except for Harry, Ginny, George, and Ron.

"Oh, c'mon, mum!" Rose whined, "Let Hugo and me play! Please!"

"Yeah, please, mum!"

Hermione sighed, "All right, just be careful."

"Yes!" Hugo and Rose cheered.

All of the kids had had their parents summon their broomsticks- unless they didn't have one. Lucy came out of the old shed, "I wish dad wasn't such a..." but her voice became to quiet to hear. Well, James and Aly did, and they burst out laughing.

"WAIT!" Aly yelled, "We don't have any balls to use!"

"Why don't we see if anyone can enchant a few?" Lily asked.

"I don't think any of them know how to enchant balls," James said. All of the older kids burst out laughing. Albus didn't- but he did smile.

They stopped laughing when they realized that their grandmother had heard them. "I didn't do it?" James said- or asked- as he shrinked behind his cousins.

Off to the side, Lily and Albus were laughing at James. It was fun to watch him get in trouble.


Turns out, they did know how ti enchant them. Now they just had to divide the teams as well as they could.

It was agreed that on the first team Lucy, Aly, and Domonique would be Chasers, James would be Keeper, Fred (A/N George's son) and Molly (Percy's daughter) would be Beaters, and Loius would be Seeker.

On the second team, Victorie, Rose, and Roxanne would be Chasers, Hugo and Lily would be Beaters, Sam (Samantha) would be Keeper, and Albus would be Seeker.

Al looked around, high enough above everyone so he could see the whole field, yet far enough below the tree tops that he wouldn't be noticed by Muggles. The adults had come outside to watch and keep score.

Team One (due to James) was names Unicorn Turds (Potter Puppet Pals!). Team two was named, well, Team Two.

They had found a little golden bouncy ball, which was the same size as a snitch. From there, you can probably figure out what it was.

Albus looked around the feild, slowly moving his broom. Loius was doing the same. A flash of gold caught Al's eye and he divied after it. Loius, realizing what had happened, also dived. Al stretched his arm out, almost touching the bouny ball snitch thing. "C'mon!" He urged his broom to go faster. It suprisingly sped up and he reached it just before Loius did.

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