Chapter Twenty Five: Exam Crazy

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Wow, guys. I can't believe that I'm almost finished with book one! It hasn't even been all that long since it started. I have about three to five chapters left. And then- BOOM!- book two will start!

So, here we go.

Chapter Twenty Five: Exam Crazy

James had no idea how the fifth and seventh years did it. He couldn't concentrate on one thing at a time- let alone all of the subjects. He tapped his fingers on the table he was sitting at with Emma and Cray in the Gryffindor common room. He looked over at Teddy, who was staring Victorie. Of course.

James frowned at his notes, trying to memorize all of the ingrediants to the potion that made pictures move. He couldn't even remember the name of the potion. "Ah, I'm so screwed!" He said, banging his fist on the table, causing Cray to jump and glare at him.

"James! C'mon! I'm trying to remember what the fourth century goblin wars-"

"Cray, fourth century goblin wars didn't even take place in Bri-"

"No one cares where they took place!" said James, looking between his second cousin and his friend.

"We still need to know, though," Emma looked around at the other frusterated students. Some were yelling at each other about what ingrediants went in a potion, or what the use of a bezoar was (though everyone should know that), or even the difference of the wrist movements in the dissarming spell.

"You know what?" James slammed his potions book closed, "I'm gonna wing it on potions and History of Magic."

"That's not such a good idea," Cray said, glancing up from behind her fourth century goblin war notes.

"I'm not the only one," he said, looking over at Trey, who was having a row with Melony Singer.

The two girls followed his gaze and saw exactly what he meant as Trey stomped angerily up the stairs.


"They think they know everything!"

"Trey, shut up," James couldn't believe that Trey was still going on about last night. Everyone knew Melony was a git.


James rolled his eyes as he adjusted his tie, which seemed to tight, though he knew it was just the nerves of exams that were making him so jumpy and frusterated.

"Attention students!" Professor McGonagall called from the teachers' table. The students in the Great Hall stopped chatting nervously and fidgeting in their seats as the looked up at the head mistress. "All fifth and seventh years will remain in the enterance hall after the bell rings. All first years will go to Transfiguration and History of Magic..." she went on with the list, finishing with, "Fifth and seventh years will be tested on Defense against the Dark Arts- both the written report and physical."

James looked around at all of the students, who were now tapping their fingers on the tables, jumping in their seats, and studying quickly with friends.

Fifteen minutes later (whish went faster than you can say "Quidditch!"), the bell rang and all of the students piled out of the Great Hall. James found his way to Emily, Trinity, and Scorpius, who all looked like they were going to be sick.

"I really hate exams..." Trinity said as they followed the rest of the first years up to the Transfiguration classroom. James heard Emily gasp as they stepped into the room. It looked a lot larger than usual, and half of the room had induvial desks, rather than the ones they usually used that could fit two students. The other half singular desks with two chairs at each. The chairs that had the backs facing the wall were occupied by three people he'd never seen before.

"Sit, please," Professor Lum said, walking past all of the students. "Except for Sarah Aide, Joshua Ermern, and Emily Houser. You three will be taking the physical exam first, then the written exam."

Sarah, Joshua, and Emily all walked over and sat down. The three people talked to them in hushed tones. "Okay," Professor Lum said, "I will be giving you a piece of parchment with ten questions about spells we've learned over the year. Then you will flip the parchment over and ask me if you may begin the essay. It comes down to the physical exam," she looked over at the three students, whose wands were being looked at by the men sitting across from them. "I will tell you what I want your essay to be about when you finish up and have the go. You may begin when I hand you the paper. Please use the quill and ink I have provided for you."

James sat nervously as he watched her come closer with the exam. When she set the exam infront of him, he looked down at it, a frown forming on his face. As he read over the questions, he realized he knew ever answer.

1. What is the spell that reveals the true form of a person, place, or thing, and can be used on people under the influence of poly juice potion?

James quickly scribbled Commutatus (Changing).

The written exam went quickly and James was the first to raise his hand for the topic of the essay. Writing appeared at the top of his paper and he slowly put his hand down.

Explain the importance of Transfiguration in the wizarding world. Use the ruler placed on your desk to messure your essay when you finish to make sure it is six inches long and a width of ten inches.

James began to write down everything he'd learned over the past year and how important it could be in the near or far future. He took a deep breath and set his quill gently on the table.

"James Potter," the man at the second table called as Isabelle Ori walked quickly to her desk and raised her hand high in the air. James walked over to the man and sat in the seat, which was very warm. "I'm Perry Walters. Please call me Sir, and nothing else. I will check your wand and see it matches the information I've been given." He held out his hand and waited as James grabbed his wand out of his robes. He placed it carefully in Perry Walter's outstretched hand. He examined it closely, "Says here it's eleven and a half inches, white holly, and unicorn tail. Correct?"

James nodded.

"Very well," he handed the wand back to James. "We will start off with changing a bottle cap into a roll of toliet paper."


"Am I the only one who thought that was torture?" James said as they walked out of the slightly larger Transfiguration classroom, gesturing towards the three men.

"Nope," Scorpius said, "Whio'd you get? I was with Darrel Cateropps."

"Perry Walters," James and Trinity said in unison.

"Rowthio Freein," Emily frowned. "What do we have next?"

James scowled, "History of Magic."

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