Chapter Five: The Owl and the Phoenix

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I'm naming the chapters now. :D

Chapter Five: The Owl and the Phoenix

"Open Hogwarts: A Revised History to page four please," Professor Brunnymack instructed. There was the loud noise of books being set on desks and opened.

James was sitting next to Emily, since Ravenclaw and Gryffindor had History of Magic at the same time.

"Read this page and then tell me what we will be learning about this year," Professor Brunnymack said, looking around at all of the students.

James sighed as he looked at the text.

In Hogwarts: A Revised History, you will find out about the four creators of the school, previous headmasters and headmistresses, the second war, and many other things. When you turn the page, you will see pictures (inaccurate) of the four creators.

James's eyes lingered on the second war. He knew all about it, his dad being the famous Harry Potter and all. He leaned back in his seat and looked over at Emily. She was eyeing him like he'd do something crazy any second.

"What?" He asked under his breath, hoping Professor Brunnymack didn't hear him.

Her eyes fell onto the open book again, "Nothing, James. Nothing," she said.

"Mr. Brasy, will you tell us about the introduction on page four?"

Luke looked up, startled, "Uh... okay. Well it says we're going to learn about headmasters, headmistresses, the founders of the school... oh, and the second war."

Professor Brunnymack smiled, "Thank you, Luke. Now, who knows about the second war?"

James sunk in his seat, trying to hide his face. He hated this subject already and it was only the second day of school. James, still trying to hide, looked around. Only a few people had their hands raised, Emily included. He just wanted class to be over.

"Emily, will you tell us just an overview?"

She smiled, "Sure, Professor! Along time ago, a man named-," she stopped and looked at Professor Brunnymack, "-Voldemort wanted to take over the-!"

James stopped listening there, sinking lower in his seat, his eyes still lingering over the words the second war. Class eventually ended, and James didn't even know if they had homework. "Em?"

She looked up, "Yeah?"

"Did we get homework? I stopped listening around the time the second war stuff came up."

Realization crossed her face. She'd forgotten. "Oh, um, yeah. It was to read chapter one."

He nodded and they went their separate ways. James went up to the charms classroom. Taking a seat in the back of class, he remembered that Slytherin had charms at the same time. He watched Scorpius as he walked into the room and dropped his bag on the back of the chair. "Herbology-not fun."

"What happened?" James asked, curious. He'd known Neville- Professor Longbottom- since he was a kid. Though Trey and him didn't get along all too well...

"Nothing but crazy man-eating plants!"

"Oh," James said, looking down.

"How was History of Magic?"

"Crap. I didn't even pay attention. I tuned out during the second war came up."

"Class! Attention!" Professor Lum yelled. Everyone looked up to see a skinny woman with thin white hair. "Good. Now take out your wands. I'm going to teach you a spell. It will tell you the difference between to items that look alike. Just flick your wand like this and say 'Commutatus'!"

"Professor?" Jamie, a Gryffindor asked.


"What does Commutatus mean?"

"Changing. It means changing. Now everyone! I'm going to pass out these-," she pointed at cages that had birds in them. "I've put a spell on them so they both look like a morning dove. You will use this spell to see which one is a phoenix and which is an owl."

After everyone had an owl and a phoenix, things became crazy. James focused on the two birds and said, "Commutatus!" The images of the birds flickered and James saw a flash of red feathers. "Commutatus!" This time, the phoenix's bright red feathers stayed and the owl became a brilliant white.

"Very good, James."

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