Chapter Twenty Six: Yaile Phrone, Slytherin, Seventh Year

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Chapter Twenty Six: Yaile Phrone, Slytherin, Seventh Year

James sighed with relief as they walked out of Defense Against the Dark Arts. "Exams are over!" He said gleefully, walking towards the Great Hall for lunch.

"And the next week is all relaxation!" Emily smiled.

"Quidditch, too!" Scorpius dug his hands into his robe's pockets.

"Don't forget the House Cup and graduation for the seventh years," Trinity looked like she was going to explode when she added, "And my birthday! Can't wait for the sixteenth!"

"Nice, Trin," James said, "Nice."

"I'm happy that tonight's free sitting in the Great Hall. We seriously deserve it."

The other three nodded in agreement as they walked towards the Great Hall. They were forced to wait outside since the fifth and seventh years had just finished History of Magic, so they'd had desks. All of the students ducked as the doors opened and what seemed to be milions of desks flew over their heads.

"Merlin's beard!" James said, looking at the desks that were now whizzing up the stairs and students jumping out of the way, nearly getting killed.


Dinner came around, and all of the students sat happily with their friends. James walked up to Trinity and Scorpius, who were talking about the article that'd been in the Prophet that morning about the World Cup, which was going to be in America at the end of the summer.

"Where's Emily?" James asked, sitting down next to Trinity.

"Dunno," Trinity said, "I haven't seen her since she went off to meet with Isabelle."

"Do you know where they were meeting?" James asked.

Trinity shook her head, "Nope, sorry, James, I don't know. I think somewhere one the seventh floor by the ta-"

"C'mon!" James said quickly. He knew that they were going to meet in the Room of Requirment. Or the Come and Go Room. James, followed by Scorpius and Trinity, ran up to the seventh floor. When they got there, James paced three times in front of the wall, thinking, I need to see Emily Houser, over and over.

A door appeared on the wall and James ran in. He heard Trinity's small sqeak. Emily was lying on the ground and staring at the ghost hovering above her. James looked around the room and saw Isabelle slumped against the wall unconscious.

Smirking and leaning against the wall was none other than a Slytherin. Of course, James thought.

She looked up when she heard them come in and walked towards them, jutting her hand out. "Yaile (A/N Yaile is pronounced Yay-lee) Phrone, Slytherin, seventh year," she said. They all glared, "Not very friendly, now, are we?"

"I reckon you tell us what you did to our friends," James said. It didn't occur to him that he'd never talked to Isabelle before, "before we hex you into the next century."

"Oh, first years!" she giggled, "Always thinking they can take on anything!"

Emily groaned and Yaile turned around, her black hair swaying behind her. "Shut it, Houser."

James saw Yaile digging in her robes for her wand. He took the oppertinuty and yelled, "Expelliamus!"

The wand flew from Yaile's hand and she turned to James. "It won't stop me, Potter. I can do magic wothout a wand," she turned back towards Emily and yelled, "Crucio!"

Emily screamed and writhed around in pain. James couldn't think- his mind refused to do anything. Emily was still screaming as she was hoisted into the air. The screaming subsided as she landed with a clunk on the ground. She groaned and looked down at her wrist.

"Now you," she said, turning to Scorpius, "A don't even see how you could be in Slytherin. You don't have the qualitlies." She raised her hand and yelled, "Expelliamus!"

The children's wands flew out of their hands and landed in Yaile's. She smirked, "What can you do now? Accio Wand!" Her wand flew across the room and landed in her hand. She put the four wands in her pocket leaving the her own in her hand.

James noticed that Isabelle and Emily still had their wands. How could Yaile be so stupid. James would just have to get past her.

"Run, ickle firsties, and I won't do anything to you. Except obliviate you."

"Shut it, Phrone," Scorpius said, walking towards her.

"Aw, Malfoy being brave for little friends?" Yaile said, tilting her head. "It's not going to help you," she said, "Petrificus Totalus!"

Scorpius fell backwards, his head hit the wall, and he began to bleed. Trinity rushed towards him, only to be hexed herself.

"Looks like it's time for James to live up to his father," Yaile said, "Though you won't."

James was sure that most wizards sucked at Muggle fights. So that's what he did. Yaile screamed in rage. "HOW DARE YOU FIGHT LIKE A MUGGLE?"

"Because I can," James said, picking up his wand off the floor and quickly hexing Yaile while she was on her rampage. She fell backwards, as did James. He'd easily broken his ankle. The last thought than ran through his head was, Emily, Trinity, and Scorpius will be okay. That's all that matters.

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