Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Albus hovered over Lily's shoulder, reading the letter from James.

Well, what house did you expect me to be in, Lilz? Hufflepuff? Ew. I'm a Gryffindor.

Aly says that we should be jelous of you (never mentioned Al) because you still get to go to the monthly family dinners at grandma and grandpa Weasley's.

Have you heard from Rose? I think I should write her. I left my sunglasses at her house the last time we were over there.


PS Tell Al to write me... I don't want to write him first.

Why does it matter who writes who first? Of course, this is James, so every little thing matters. Every last detail to each and every prank that he plans.

"Mum! Mum!" Lily called, running out of the kitchen to the family room. "James is in Gryffindor!"

Their mother smiled, "That's great! I'll-" but she was interupted be Harry, who'd just appeared through the fireplace.

"Hi, daddy!" Lily smiled.

"Hi, Lily," Harry smiled as Lily came up and hugged him. No one was startled when they heard a light pecking from outside the window. Albus went over and opened it. It was grandma and grandpa's new owl probably with an invite to the next family dinner.

Albus looked up, "It's from Grandma and Grandpa," he said, holding the owl and walking over to the couch. The little owl raised its right leg and sat, waiting for Albus to unstring the letter from it's leg.


James had passed out on his bed about five seconds before his head even hit the pillow. He didn't bother to change out of his robes or take off his watch.

At about eleven, Trey woke him up because he was muttering something about French ham and Canadian bacon. James sighed and blinked. He stood up and changed, throwing his wrinkled robe into his already messy trunk.

He rolled back into bed and sighed. He was wide awake now. He thought of two things. The first one was wondering why first years who already know how to properly use a broom couldn't bring one, and the second was wondering where exactly he had set his sunglasses at Uncle Ron and Aunt Hermione's house.

He sat up and grabbed some paper and a quill out of his trunk. Searching for some ink, he remembered he had set it on the bedside table. He opened it dipped the quill in.

Hey Rosie,

Have you seen my sunglasses? I think I've left them at your house last time I was there. Write beck, even if you don't find them. Or you could just have Aunt Hermione use the accio spell.


He sealed it in an envolope, but didn't bother to get out of bed. He'd get lost on his way to the owlery or get caught, so he set it next to the ink bottle and leaned back against his pillow.

He remembered his dad saying something about an invisibilty cloak when he was younger. Did he still have it? He'd write him in the morning, he was far to tired now. Asleep, actually.

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