Chapter Seventeen: The Lost Story of Armenia Malfoy

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Chapter Seventen: The Lost Story of Armenia Malfoy

Emily and Trinity looked around to see pictures of sleeping headmasters and headmisstereses. Emily turned to James suddenly, "How did you know the password?"

"Um... Blaige caught me wandering around the castle last night and that was the password. I was sure it hadn't changed, since that was only six hours ago."

"Where is she, you think?" Trinity asked, "Professor McGonagall."

James shrugged, "I dunno. I hope she's back soon. What did you hear, anyways?"

Trinity seemed very interested in the curtains that draped the windows. "Um, Maylaysia told me she'd figured out who killed her all those years ago. For a second, I thought I was crazy. I mean, come on, do you think it's possible? Wasn't she killed after she got out of Hogwarts because she was in Ravenclaw or something stupid like that?"

James shrugged again. "I don't know. Thing is, if she killed Maylaysia, then she kind of deserved it slightly, don't you think?"

"Slightly," Emily spoke for the first time since she asked about the password.

"But not much," Trinity said.

"Yeah," James agreed.

They all jumped when the fire turned green and a girl with curly brown hair and blue eyes stepped out.

"That was random," James said quietly, so only Emily and Trinity could hear him.

She looked up at them shyly. Her face was slightly chubby, but baby fat, not actually. It gave her a strange affect.

Professor McGonagall appeared seconds later, "Potter, Houser, Rayd, why are you in my office?"

"We needed to talk to you," James said.

"It's urgent," Trinity added.

"Urgent enough for you to break into my office during class?"

"We didn't break in," James said, "I knew the password from this morning."

She sighed, "Well, what do you need, then?"

"We need to know what happened to Maylaysia Harforn's murder," Trinity said.

Professor McGonagall opened her mouth and then snapped it shut. She turned to one od the portraits, that James recognized as Albus Dumbledore. "Could you explain?" she asked. "I need to get Cray sorted and caught up with the other first years."

Trinity and Emily exchanged a look. James was looking at the picture of Albus Dumbledore, who was saying, "Yes."

They turned.

"Well, Maylaysia was a student when I was only a professor, not the headmaster. Very smart, but voulnrable. She could easily get revenge if she wanted, but she prefered not to. In her seventh year, she was murdered in the Gryffindor common room, no one is quite sure how. Maylaysia's ghost had talked to Headmaster Polywagen, but no one could really confirm anything." At this, Dumbledore looked over at Polywagen.

"She believed it was Armenia Malfoy who murdered her. Though Armenia was a very sweet girl. If it was all an act, than I do not know," Polywagen said.

"She was in Ravenclaw, right?" Trinity asked.

Behind them, the sorting hat randomly shouted, "GRYFFINDOR!"

"Yes, she was," Dumbledore said.

"She knew how to make herself invisible so she could sneak in behind a few unknowing Gryffindors, didn't she?" James asked.

Both Dumbledore and Polywagen nodded.

"She was expelled however, and her parents were very upset. Her uncle Iune (A/N Pronounced I- une like the une in June with a stronger U.) killed her. He was sent to Azkaban," Polywagen informed them.

Trinity looked between the two headmasters, "What if Armenia's back? What if she plans to kill again?"

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