Chapter Twenty: Yet Another Visit to McGonagall

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Hey!!!!!!!!!!! I'm really happy! So, I had someone point out that I've changed things a little- and I'm happy they did! The reason I did this is to fit in with the plot if the story. Like adding a few more Weasley kids... they'll be very important within the next few books in this particular fan fiction. Also, Scorpius being a year older than he is in the epilogue is a major thing in this fan fiction. You might be able to see it at the end of this, but, you may not. The character I'm talking about will be seen, but you'd have to have a very good guess to who she is and what she has to do with this crazy plot (with many holes that I ope to fill up soon) and Scorpius. I hope that made sense, I'm doing this quickly- I have exams tomorrow and I have to study. Oh, joy. Anyways, I don't own Harry Potter... but I want to... yeah... I think we all do. Okay, here's chapter twenty (how'd we get that far?!?)!

Chapter Twenty: Yet Another Visit to McGonagall

Domonique dropped her bag on the already messy floor. "Did you see someone in here?" She asked, her eyes not leaving the tipped furniture.

"No," James lied. Mayalysia wouldn't do this, he knew that. So, was it a lie?

"Are you sure?" she asked, eyeing James.

"I would tell you, Dom!" He said, "I'm not going to lie! I didn't see anything. I got here about a minute ago!"

"We need to talk to McGonagall," Domonique muttered.

"Shouldn't we check the rooms? What if someone's in there, hiding?" James asked. The possibilty of that was slim, but why not check, just in case?

Domonique shook her head, blonde hair swishing back and forth. "We need McGonagall to check this out. We're only students."

Only Students? James thought, So what? We can still check!

Domonique led James out of the common room and staright to McGonagall's office. "Hey, gargoyle thing! We have an emergency and you have to let us in, okay? Okay."

The gargoyle sat in place and Domonique stomped her foot in frusturation. "C'mon! This is important! And when I say that, I mean more than Peeves messing around with dung bombs! I mean that our common room has been destroyed!"

"What?" A voice came from behind them. They both turned and saw McGonagall standing there, a worried and stern expression upon her face. "Destroyed? How? Who, is more like it!"

"We don't know, professor! We just went to drop off our bags, and-!"

"Domonique! Calm down," McGonagall said, turning towards the gargoyle, "Muggle juice."

"Muggle juice?" James repaeted, confused.

"It has to be something no one else would bother to think of," McGonagall said, "Now, explain what happened."

Sorry for length. Again, in a hurry due to exams. :( I'll have another chapter up tomorrow, hopefully, along with updating as many stories as possible, when possible. Thanks for reading!

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