Chapter Thirteen: Flaunting a Fake Snitch

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Off the WHL... been on and off for the past few days. I guess it's a good and bad feeling- you get on and love it, but you feel like you should be happy when others get off- which I don't like. Yet, when I'm off, I kind of want to scream. Yep, I'm stubborn, so I demand you to VOTE! And comment, telling me if you like, love, or hate it. Anyways, the song you see over there --> is called Open at the Close. I bet you know what that means. :) Anyways, it's by the Black Sisters- go check them out, they're really awesome! Now... here's is chapter thirteen (how'd I get that far that fast?!?)!

Chapter Thirteen: Flaunting a Fake Snitch

Albus smiled and slipped off his broom. All of his relatives landed around him- some smiling and others frowning.

"Darn it!" James said, frowning at his younger brother. He looked up, "What's the score?"

"Team One-"

"Unicorn Turds!" James interupted.

"-has ninety points, and team two has one hundred ninety points."

Albus smirked at James, satisfied. Though Albus prefered staying inside and reading, he was really good at Quidditch. There was the fact that his mom had been on a Quidditch team (anyone know which one?!?) and his dad had been the yougest seeker in a century.

James was amazing at it, too. Just not quite as good as Albus. It made him mad to think that his litte brother could easily beat him. And it didn't help that Al always seemed to get more attention. James knew it wasn't true, but it felt like it sometimes. He guessed it was because he was a prankster- which he got from his grandfather and uncles.

Al walked up to him, "Beat you," he said, smirking even more than before- if that was possible.

"I know," James said through gritted teeth. James really was hoping that Al would be in Gryffindor because they'd both be on the same team, that is, if they made it through tryouts. He watched Al and sighed. He couldn't blame his brother.

See? James was a good kid, he just didn't show it.

"Dinner!" Grandma Weasley called.

James smiled, he was starving.

Now to go watch Pretty Little Liars. Peace!


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