Chapter Ten: The Unforgivable Curses

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Well, within the past ten to twenty minutes, we've made it to #699 on the WHL. :D Keep on voting and commenting! Thanks!

Oh, and in this chapter they learn about the unforgivable curses, even in first year. After Voldy, who knows what's really out there?

Chapter Ten: The Unforgivable Curses

Time passes quickly at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. James realized it was almost Christmas break and was still unsure if he was going home or staying at school.

James was trying to decide when he walked into the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom. Professor Blaige was leaning over his desk, glasses slipping down his nose. The bell rang as James sat down.

"Hello class!" Professor Blaige said, "Take out some partchment and a quill. I'd like you to write notes on what we talk about today. Mr. Klain, please put away your wand."

Groans came over the students. Even in their first year they know that a lesson without wands is bound to be boring.

After everyone got their partchment and quills out, Professor Blaige said, "Please write The Unforgivable Curses on the top of your partchment. Now, does anyone know how many curses there are?"

Most of the students raised their hands.

"Oh, how about Mr. Potter?"

"There are three unforgivable curses."

"Good. Who can name me one?"

Many people were too busy scribbling notes on their partchment to realize another question had been asked.

"Miss Rayd?"

"The Imperius curse."

Professor Blaige nodded, "And what does it do?"

Trinity said quietly, "One wizard uses it on another wizard to control them. Whoever casts has power over the person they cast it on."

Professor Blaige nodded again, "The curse can also be preformed on Muggles. Another one? How about... Mr. Malfoy?" (A/N I'm putting all of the first years together for DADA.)

"Um... the Cruciatus curse."

"And it does what?"

Scorpius looked down at his partchment, "It tourchers whoever it is used on."

"Good. And there's one more. Who knows it?"

No one raised their hand- they all knew it was the Killing Curse. It's just that no one wants to explain it.

"How about we let Miss Houser explain?"

Emily looked up, startled. "It's, um, the Killing Curse."

"Okay, very good. And I expect you know the history of the curses becuase of History of Magic. Now, does anyone..."

James stopped listening. His mind wandered to Maylayia- he hadn't heard from her since their last meeting in his dorm room back in Gryffindor Tower. He hadn't even seen her around the castle at all. Why was it as if she never exsisted? And she obviously did, even Trinity had seen her. So where was she?

James chewed the end of his quill and looked at the partchment infront of him. Could ghosts have spells cast upon them? Making them silent? Could two of the three unforgivable curses be used? Surely they could. But if they had been used on Maylaysia, who would've done it?

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