Chapter Eleven: The Hogwarts Express

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Hello everyone. I'm kind of mad. We're were doing so good on the WHL, and then- BAM!- we're not on it anymore. So when you read, please vote. I know some of the chapters aren't the best in the world, but I want to get as high as possible on that list, and you guys are the only ones who can help me with that.

For Christmas, I had the whole thing planned out, but I'm changing it. You'll still see that scene later, maybe in their third year.


Chapter Eleven: The Hogwarts Express

James packed all of the things he'd need over break in his trunk.

"You're going home for the holidays?" Trey asked from across the dormitory.

"Yeah, my mum wants me to."

"Ah, that's nice. I see my dad all of the time, him teaching Herbology and all. I don't really want to go home, though. I prefer school."


James slumped back in his seat on the Hogwarts Express, waiting for his friends to find the compartment he was in.

The door slid open and Emily stepped in, "Will you help me get my trunk up there?"

"Sure," James said. But he didn't get up. Instead, he got out his wand and said, "Wingardium Leviosa!" He moved his wand swiftly and the trunk rose into the air, then gently fell upon the rack.

"Thanks," she said, sitting opposite of him. Scorpius and Trinity both came in a few minutes later, laughing over something they'd heard a few fifth years talking about.

Emily kicked off her shoes. "I think I'm gonna sleep."

"Ah, you don't like us?" James asked, smirking slightly.

"I like everyone except you, James."

He put his hand over his heart, "That really hurts, Emily."

Scorpius was trying not laugh and Trinity was staring blankly out the indow, ignoring them.


About an hour into the trip, Scorpius and James were on complete hyper mode. They'd bought as much candy as they could afford- and Emily was about ready to kill them.

"Would you two shut up already? There's a thing called sleep!" Emily yelled at them.

James began to laugh, "And I care because?"

"Because you two are my best friends!"

James shook his head, "If we're your best friends, you really need to get a life."

Emily turned to look out the window, scowling.


Everyone woke with a start when the train stopped. James nearly fell off of his seat.

They'd reached platform 9 and three quarters. It would take a while to get off of the train, mostly because of the amount of people on it. James looked out the window, trying to see anyone in his family. After looking around for a minute or two, he saw his younger brother, Albus, standing next to their dad.


"What's school like?" Lily asked, jumping up and down.

"Awesome," James said, trying to stiffle a yawn and failing.

Sorry for crappy quiality on the chapter- I didn't really have this one planned out. Hope you like it anyways!

The Next Generation Book One: The Ghost of Ackron (Complete) [WATTY AWARDS 2011]Where stories live. Discover now