♥ Shine (Mettaton x Underappreciated!Reader) [Part 2]

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"Darling, turn around," he told you, standing up suddenly. "Turn around and look in that mirror."

Not seeing where he was going with this, you apprehensively did so.

Mettaton put his hands on your shoulders and looked at you through the mirror. "Now, tell me what you see."

You couldn't. You never were one to exalt yourself, so this kind of thing didn't come easy to you.

"I... I just see 'me'... I don't know who that is, though. So I can't tell you much, I'm sorry." You bowed your head, which, at this point, was starting to ache.

"Well, I'll tell you what I see," Mettaton chimed, playing with strands of your hair. "I see a young lady who's dripping with good looks. I see a girl who wants only the best for those she cares about."

Your cheeks flushed red at his words, but you remained silent.

He pulled your hair to the back of you and started brushing it. "I see someone who's very talented but doesn't want to admit it," he laughed the last part.

You managed a small grin, bowing your head humbly.

"I see someone who would go through Hell and back for someone even if she didn't have to. Someone who goes above and beyond to make others happy."

You were starting to feel a bit better, but you knew with Mettaton, there was bound to be an "on the other hand" part in his speech somewhere.

"However..." Mettaton frowned, putting a strand of hair behind your ear.

I knew it, you thought sadly.

"I also see a girl who doesn't give herself enough credit, someone who's always the first to put herself down, someone who doesn't see her worth even when others try to convince her otherwise... And that," he cupped your cheek in his large hand, "Doesn't do you any good, sweetness."

He was right.

How was anyone else supposed to be proud of you when you could barely be proud of yourself?

Before anyone could even get the chance to say something nice about you, you'd always reduce yourself with something self-deprecating. After seeing how well everyone was doing in their lives, seeing how awesome they were, how talented they were, how happy they made other people... you'd compare yourself. And that'd only made you feel worse. Like you couldn't live up to that.

A few tears fell from your eyes. "You're right, Mettaton," you sighed, looking into the mirror at him, "I've been so busy giving myself a bad rap that I've been blind to all the good things I have. Ugh, I'm so st-"

"Don't you dare!" he scolded, turning you around to face him. "I don't want to hear you talk about yourself like that ever again, do you understand?"

You nodded, somewhat startled.

"You're too good of a person and too beautiful of a girl to be wetting your face like this. Come, darling, dry those pretty eyes of yours." His arm stretched across the room to grab a pink tissue from a sparkly box and handed it to you.

Blowing your nose, you felt a stinging sensation in your eyes once more before dabbing the tears away with the tissue.

"Now, _____, listen to me, this is important." He took you by the shoulders and bent so that he was at eye-level with you. "You are loved. You are valued. You are precious in the eyes of so many monsters. What's not to love about you, darling?"

You went to bow your head again, but Mettaton took your chin in his fingers and gently made you look at him.

"You may not feel it right now but pay attention, really pay attention and you'll see that everyone shows you they love you in so many fabulous ways. Don't forget your worth, alright, gorgeous?"

Nodding, you wiped your eyes and looked up at him as he leaned in to give you a quick peck on your cheek. "Thanks a lot, Mettaton... I needed that."

"Oh, of course, darling. That's why I'm here! Now, do you feel better?" He discarded your used tissues and wiped the remaining tear streaks from your face with his thumb.

You sniffled and nodded. "Mhm."

"Fabulous. Now, come on, show me your darling smile."

You grinned, looking up at him with hopeful eyes once again.

"Brighter! Really dazzle me!"

Giggling, you grinned wider, prompting Mettaton to give you a big smile of his own. "Like this?"

He embraced you tightly again, threatening to cut off your air supply. "That's perfect! Aw, you're just the cutest thing ever, gorgeous, I can't get enough of you!" 

Now that you had finally smiled, you couldn't stop. Reveling in Mettaton's warmth, you sighed contentedly as he rocked you and whispered sweet affirmations to you. 

This was really what you needed. With friends like Mettaton all around you, you found it easier for you to love yourself, and for you to shine your light as bright as ever. 

*Writing these oneshots fills you with Determination 2  (Undertale AU Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now