Headcanons: Dadster

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Lol Imagine Gaster as your adoptive father. 

Gaster drawing by Riplae on Tumblr

🖤 My headcanon for Gaster being your dad is remarkably close to how a stereotypical black mom would act. (please don't get offended, I'm merely joking)

🖤 Constantly looking for you, and by that I mean he scans the room for you and once he sees where you are, he continues with whatever he's doing.

🖤 Cue the scolding and yelling

🖤 "_____! If you don't get down here right now, I will drag you myself!"

🖤 Your occasional arguments are comical, to say the least, usually ending with one of you apologizing before the other.

🖤 "Come eat."

🖤 "When we go into this store, don't touch anything, alright? We came in here for one thing and one thing only."

🖤 Don't forget to check in with him every few seconds when you leave. He worries.

🖤 "Where are you?"

🖤 "Dad, I literally just went out the door-"

🖤 "Who are you with?"

🖤 "I haven't even gotten in my friend's car yet-"

🖤 "Have you eaten?"

🖤 "Dad, you made a whole bowl of spaghetti and watched me eat it, yes, I freakin' ate-"

🖤 "Are you having fun?"

🖤 "If you hung up and stopped worrying, I would be-"

🖤 "Be sure to be home by 11:45 p.m. sharp, or you're not sleeping tonight!"

🖤 "Dad, WHAT-"

🖤 He just cares. A lot.

🖤 He likes to treat you like a child. After all, he's already had two of his own.

🖤 "_____, I'm putting a fresh set of clothes on the counter for you when you get out. Make sure you're not using up my hot water unless you're paying for it."

🖤 "Okayyyy, dad."

🖤 "And don't lock the door. There's no such thing as privacy in this house."

🖤 Yep. You can't help but love him to bits.

*Writing these oneshots fills you with Determination 2  (Undertale AU Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now