♥ Get Some Rest (Papyrus x Working!Tired!Reader) [Fluff]

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Papyrus Drawing by Fischotterwhen? (If I spelled it right? That's what it looks like to me lol)

Word Count: 768

You were exhausted. You had stayed at work for who knows how long and it was dark out by the time you left.

You groaned lightly as your feet ached with every step. The bitter cold of Snowdin didn't help with the oncoming headache either. And what's worse, you knew a certain skeleton boyfriend of yours would be worried sick, considering you were getting home a bit later than usual.

Your phone started ringing.

Speaking of Papyrus...

You sighed almost in relief, while also in anticipation of what he had to say. You picked up.

"Hey, Papy-"


Realizing you could almost hear Papyrus' yelling voice from where he was at the house, you nearly laughed.

"I'm on my way home now, Papyrus," you yawned, "Wait, you didn't stay up this whole time, did you?"

"OF COURSE I DID! I COULDN'T POSSIBLY SLEEP KNOWING YOU WERE STILL OUT AND ABOUT AT THIS TIME OF NIGHT!" Papyrus started pacing the living room as he talked and got more anxious with every second.

"Papy, please don't worry. I'm, like two minutes from home, not even."

Knowing Papyrus, he would probably be waiting for you outside the house. But he knew you didn't like him doing that since his bones got too cold when you two cuddled.

Upon arrival at the skeleton brothers' house, you stomped your shoes free of snow on the steps.

When you entered, you barely noticed your love sitting at the table in the kitchen, a fretting expression on his skull. Though, when he set his eyesockets on you, his face lit up.

"HUMAN! THANK THE STARS!" He charged you and nearly squeezed the life out of you with a bone-crushing hug.

"I'm so glad you're alright." His voice softened, which was rare for the boisterous monster.

You sighed contentedly, hugging him back.

"Human?" he inquired, pulling away from you, "What's the matter? You're usually a bit more talkative when you arrive home."

You yawned again, your jaw aching as you did. "... I'm just really tired, Papy. It was a very slow day at work today."

"Oh... I'm sorry to hear that, dear... Are you at all hungry? I imagine so after such a long day."

You nodded and followed him to the kitchen. 

"Well then sit at the table, love, while I reheat this leftover spaghetti for you." He kissed the top of your head in the form of pressing his teeth to it.

"Thanks, Papy."

After quickly scarfing down the plate of food, much to your love's dismay, you began to feel even sleepier than before. 

"Do you feel better, human?" Papyrus asked in a hushed tone, grazing a gloved hand over one of your own.

"Yes," you replied, feeling drowsier by the second, "Thank you..."

"It's my pleasure, love. Now," he hastily got up from his seat and lifted you from yours, so that he held you in the bridal style. "Let's get some rest for the night."

Considering how tired you were at the moment, you might've fallen asleep in Papyrus' arms. 

"You know, human," he started as he entered his room and set you on his racecar bed, "You might be a little less tired if you went to bed at an earlier time."

You sighed as you cuddled into the soft blankets. "Not this again, Papy..."

"I'm serious! Every evening, you come home more and more exhausted, and-" he paused, trying to collect his thoughts, "I worry for you, dear. I want you to be healthy, and that means making sure you get plenty of rest."

Sitting up, you gave a small smile. "Babe, I appreciate your concern, I do. But I always bounce back, you know I do."

He paced over to his desk of action figures, seemingly unsatisfied with your answer.

"Pap, come here." You held your arms out.

Papyrus did so and lifted you once again, setting you on his lap.

"Whenever I need some refreshment after a long day, who do I always go to?" 

A light orange blush graced his cheekbones. "Me?"

"Exactly. I have nothing to worry about because I have someone as great and amazing as you looking after me. I couldn't be in better hands!" You kissed his jaw, earning a bashful laugh from the skeleton.

"You're right, human! There is no one more suited to cherish someone as precious as you!" He gave you a skelekiss on your cheek, making you giggle.

"I promise, I, The Great Papyrus, will do my utmost to take care of you! After all, you are very great. And I love you dearly!"

You hummed happily, wrapping your arms around his neck in a warm embrace. "I love you too, you bonehead."

*Writing these oneshots fills you with Determination 2  (Undertale AU Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now