♦ Practice (Toriel x Monster!Reader) [Fluff]

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Toriel Drawing by elennúmen

Word Count: 697

You were in New Home with your adoptive aunt, Toriel, who was making pie for you and your adoptive cousins to eat. 

You were a fairly young monster, but after visiting the Librarby in Snowdin and reading about monster bullet patterns, you wondered if you could exhibit one of your own. You had read that monsters should develop their bullet patterns long before becoming young adults.

Though after many, many failed attempts at doing so, it was starting to get aggravating.

You held out your hands as if to be forcing something to come out of them. When nothing happened, you groaned in frustration and throw your arms up.

"I can't do it," you cried, "It's so hard..."

"It takes practice, my child," Toriel sympathized, "You'll get the hang of it soon." 

She set the pie and the plates on the table. "But I do think you've been training for long enough. For now, let's take a break. Please, go tell Asriel and Chara that the pie is ready."

"Yes, auntie." 

"My child..." Toriel stopped you before you left the room and came up to you. "Do not be discouraged. Keep at it! I'm certain you'll be able to express yourself through magic in no time." She kissed you on your forehead.

You nodded before leaving to go find your cousins, whom you eventually found in the throne room, playing among the buttercups. 

"Azzy, Chara," you called upon entering, "Auntie said the pie's done. Come eat."

"Coming, _____," Asriel replied before getting up to run out of the room. Chara wasn't too far behind him.

"How's your magic coming, _____," Chara asked once the three of you gathered at the table.

You sighed. "Not good. I've been trying all day and I still haven't done made anything. I'm starting to think I haven't grown enough to start using magic."

"Perhaps," Toriel agreed as she placed three plates of hot pie in front of you and your cousins.

"Thanks, mom," both Asriel and Chara said before digging in.

Toriel sat down next to you. "But Asriel wasn't much younger than you when he gained the ability to use magic. Don't forget, my child, every monster is different. Some take longer to manifest their magic than others."

"I know but... I didn't think it'd take this long." You played with the pie with your fork.

"You know, _____," Asriel spoke with a mouthful of pie, "Maybe you're trying too hard."

"Yeah," Chara added, "Maybe your magic won't come to you because you're trying to force it. In some cases, a monster's magic shows up when they least expect it."

"You mean, like... if they're in some sort of danger," you concluded.

They nodded. "Exactly."

"Though I do not recommend seeking out some sort of trouble to get in, my child," Toriel said maternally, "I believe that Asriel and Chara are correct in saying that the forcing of your new magic may be hindering it all together. Remember, your powers are new, and are maybe still developing so that they can support your monster form."

You looked back at your full plate. "I guess so..."

Toriel's face softened. "I'll tell you what. What if I arrange something with you and Asgore so that you can further practice with him? Perhaps he'll better explain these things to you."

Your eyes lit up. "Yes! Can you, Aunt Toriel? Please?"

She laughed. "Alright, alright. It's a deal. Now, please eat your pie before it gets cold. Though, I think Asriel has already beaten you to it."

You looked at Asriel who had a guilty look on his face; his cheeks were full. You looked at your plate, which had about half a slice of pie on it.


Chara was laughing hysterically. "I didn't want to say anything because I knew they'd catch you, Azzy!"

Asriel swallowed what he had in his mouth and chuckled bashfully. "I didn't think you'd eat it right away!"

"So you eat half of it right under my nose? Really, dude? I feel so betrayed." You dramatically clutch your chest.

Asriel could barely pull himself together. Tears were forming in the corners of his eyes. "I'm sorry!"

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