♦ Melody (Shyren x Musician!Reader)

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Word count: 667

You were on your way to Waterfall, your guitar bouncing in its case as you stepped. As you greeted the local monsters and anticipated the full day ahead, a pleased grin graced your face.

Your good friend, Shyren, had a beautiful voice. But she always nervously protested when you'd ask her to sing for you. As much as you'd try to encourage her and convince her that her singing was nothing to be ashamed of, she still would shy away. But you decided this time would be different. 

"She loves when I play this song," you thought aloud as you trudged through the humidity of the marshy place.

After multiple jam sessions, you both had gotten better at playing, singing and harmonizing together. In time, Shyren seemed to get more comfortable with you, even giving you songs to play. This one song in particular, though, you were sure would get her out her shell. 

Before long, your (s/c) soul flashed in front of you and everything turned black. Smiling up at your friend, you greeted her with a small "Hi, Shyren" as to not startle her.

Turning around at your voice, Shyren grinned excitedly. "Hello, _____."

"I was so excited, I almost tripped over my own feet trying to get here."

Shyren flapped her fins frantically and whimpered in an attempt to hide her embarrassment. 

Grinning at her preciousness, you ran your fingers through each guitar string, satisfied with the sound. "Alright. You ready to get started?"

"Uh, s-sure." Shyren dismounted herself from her host body and flopped in front of you. "What song are we doing today?"

"The same one we did last time.' Deeper Conversation' ?"

"Alright... I kind of like that one. It sounds so pretty when you play it." A dark blue heat rose to Shyren's cheeks before she turned to look away from you.

You smiled at her. "Okay, you ready?" You earned a nod from her in return.

As you played the beginning chords, Shyren shuffled herself around before settling closer to you and cleared her throat.

"Is your favorite color blue?"

"Do you always tell the truth?"

"Do you believe in outer space?"

"Now I'm learning you."

You glanced up at her, beaming as she sang.

"Is your skin as tan as mine?"

"Does your hair flow sideways?"

"Did someone take a portion of your heart?"

"Now I'm learning you."

Nearly losing focus, you put your attention back on your hands, the smile still evident on your face.

"And if you don't mind, can you"

"Tell me all your hopes and fears and"

"Everything that you believe in."

"Would you make a difference in the world?"

"I'd love for you to take me to a deeper conversation."

"Only you can make"


"I've let my guard down for you~" you followed after her, catching her off guard. "And in time, you will too."

Shyren picked up after you before both your voices blended so nicely together. "And if you don't mind can you"

"Tell me all your hopes and fears and"

"Everything that you believe in."

"Would you make a difference in the world?"

"I'd love for you to take me to a deeper conversation."

"Only you can make"


"And if you don't mind can you"

"Tell me all your hopes and fears and"

"Everything that you believe in."

"Would you make a difference in the world?"

"I'd love for you to take me to a deeper conversation."

"Only you can make"


When there was nothing to fill the silence except your guitar strumming, you looked up at Shyren and smiled brightly, mouthing, "You sound so good!"

She only gave a small smile and flushed once more, hiding her eyes with her fins. "Th-thank you..."

"Deeper conversation with me"

"Deeper conversation with me"

"Deeper conversation with me"

"Deeper conversation"

Vocalizing soon after, you both had a hard time containing your smiles at not only how nice you sounded, but at how much stronger your bond had grown. Your weekly meetings with her were always enjoyable and you were impressed to see how much confidence Shyren was gaining from them. It made you happy. And from the looks of it, it made her pretty happy too.

"Does your name rhyme with mine?"

*Writing these oneshots fills you with Determination 2  (Undertale AU Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now