♥ Ouch... (Gaster x Injured!Reader)

290 6 2

Word Count: 862

Gaster drawing by junkpilestuff on Tumblr

You stumbled in pain towards the Lab. The aching all over your body made you almost fall out altogether... but you were too close to give up now.

"I'm such an idiot," you rasped, clutching the bleeding gash in your side. 

The searing heat of Hotland only intensified the pain in your wounds, and it seemed to slightly cauterize them in the process. The sensation made you wince and whimper every time you moved even a little bit. 

You knew Gaster would have called you a gazillion times since you were out later than usual. If your phone wasn't  d e a d, you would've let him know what was up. He always got worried when you didn't get to the Lab before it got too late.

"He's gonna kill me for this..," you mumbled to yourself as your injuries pulsed. "If I don't die on my own first."

Gaster paced around the Lab, either awaiting your call or a knock at the door. He didn't show it but he was worried sick. You never stayed out this late. He didn't know whether to be concerned or angry at you.

Finally reaching the cool metal doors of the Lab, you slapped your bloody hand against them in an attempt to knock. Suddenly losing all your strength, you collapsed, knocking your head against the door in the process.

Gaster snapped his head up to the door and hurried to unlock it. "_____? _____!"

You heard Gaster's voice, then you felt heavy as you slowly slipped into unconsciousness.

You were heating up, like If you tended to melt you would. You woke with a start, gasping for air. There were beads of sweat forming on your forehead. 

Then there was the heavy feeling again. Your body was surrounded by a blue aura, and you couldn't move on your own.



You looked up to see the stern face of Gaster looking down at you. "G..." you started before losing strength in your body again.

The heavy feeling went away again and you went to try and sit up but it once again returned. This was getting a bit annoying.

"Gaster... let me up," you groaned, struggling under his magic.

"No. You shouldn't move or you'll aggravate your more severe injuries," he instructed, reaching for a box of gauze at the foot of the bed you were laying on, "And I still have yet to patch up the wound on your stomach."

You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. Considering he would only shush you if you tried to speak, you chose to let him work. You'd only get the "firm talking-to" once you were taken care of...

"This can't become a habit, _____," he scolded.

... Or maybe you'd get it now.

"You know you shouldn't have been out so late at night. What could you have possibly been doing?"

You couldn't tell if that question was rhetorical or not. Even still, he had no idea what happened to you, and you were getting irritated with his parental tone of voice. But deciding to play it safe and avoid any unnecessary dispute, you remained silent and let him carry on.

"Coming here all beaten up and mangled. I ought to let you suffer a little longer without my healing magic."

You grinned a little. He only got mean and cruel when he got worried. And judging by the twitch in his nonexistent brow, he was darn near having a soul attack.

"I'm sorry..." you managed to murmur as you felt your eyes getting heavy again.

Gaster scoffed and gave a light tap to the side of your face. "Stay awake and be still." He poured some alcohol on a cloth and dabbed it around the wound on your abdomen.

You hissed and shut your eyes. "Ow..." You were near tears. "It burns..."

Gaster ignored your comment and continued. After cleaning up around the injury, he took a large bandage and pressed it firmly over it; you shook from the stinging of the act.

"Sit up," he said finally, pulling away from you.

You did so, albeit painfully, and looked Gaster in the face to see if he would say anything else besides instruction. 

Your patience rewarded you. 

"What happened?"

Your eyes widened. "Huh..?"

"I'll have you know I was worried sick, _____." His voice was firmer the second time around and you flinched. "Would you care to explain to me why you've returned with multiple bruises and cuts all over you?"

You bowed your head and rubbed your arm bashfully. "I... I ran into s-some monsters on my way back. And I didn't have enough gold for items. So I had to take the hits and run away."

"Why didn't you answer my calls?"

"... My phone died."

He looked up at you and you averted your eyes.

"I'm sorry..."

With newfound compassion, Gaster sighed tiredly and placed a bony hand on your head. "I'm just glad you're alright."

He went to leave the room. "Now get some rest. I'll check on you in the morning."

You nodded. "... Thank you."

"It's nothing. Now go to sleep already, child, before I choke you out myself."

You let out a short laugh as he left further down the hallway. After finding a comfortable, pain-free position, you closed your eyes and let sleep take you over for the night.

*Writing these oneshots fills you with Determination 2  (Undertale AU Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now