♦ Sanctuary (Sans x Abused!Reader) [Fluffy angst]

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Word count: 533

You had woken up a few hours after Sans and Papyrus left for work. It was peaceful without Papyrus' scolding at Sans. 

For breakfast, you'd reheated some spaghetti from last night's dinner and watched some reruns of Mettaton's show in the living room. After a few hours of doing nothing, you decided to go take a shower for the day.

"I feel gross," you complained as you made your way to the bathroom. 

You turned on the water and waited for it to heat up. 

You weren't able to hear someone entering the house.


Crap. It was Sans.

He was making his way upstairs. 

"Hey, kiddo, my break started a little early, so I was wondering if you wanted to grab a bite at-"

You flinched as Sans stood in the doorway, horror evident on your face. "Sans!"

He froze, eyes scanning over the multiple scars across your arms. He walked up to you and took your wrist to stretch your arm out.

"Kid... Where did you get these?" Sans' voice was stern, and the usual white dots in his eyesockets had disappeared.

You snatched your arm from Sans' grip and moved to walk away but he took your shoulder and turned you around. You refused to look him in the eye. 

"_____... Tell me. Right now."

"I don't have to tell you anything, Sans. Just leave me alone." You walked past him and left the room.

Just before you went down the stairs, Sans appeared in front of you. You rolled your eyes. 

"Sans, move. I'm going to go see mom." (Toriel)

"Not until you explain, kiddo."

You groaned and looked away from him. "Sans-"

"Look, I'm only pushing ya because I'm concerned, alright? You're my friend, and it's my job to make sure you're alright. I'm not trying to make you hate me or anything... Though from that expression, I'm guessing it's too late for that, huh."

"Wow, you're so smart." You shoved past him and headed for the door. That is, before a wall of bones blocked your path. Your hands shook.

"Kid, I'm gonna ask you one more time." 

You didn't turn around to look at him.

"Tell me how you got those scars. And don't tell me 'it was an accident'."

You sighed. You knew Sans wouldn't let up any time soon, and you thought it a bad idea to keep fighting him. So you gave in. You glanced at him over your shoulder.

"Why don't we sit?"

For the next hour or so, you had told Sans everything, how you got the scars and how you lived back on the surface. It was difficult for you to explain, though you realized this was the first time you've ever told anyone about your past at length like this.

"... I'm so sorry that happened to you, kid. Thanks for telling me."

"Well, you kind of wouldn't let me leave if I didn't-"

He put a finger to your lips. "I'm glad you told me." He ruffled your hair as you laughed. "You feel better now?"

You shrugged. "Yeah, I guess... Still hurts to think about though."

"Yeah, it's going to. But in time," he stood in front of you, which made you look up at him, "I think you'll find a way to grow from it."

You smirked. "Thanks, Sans."

"No problem, kiddo."

*Writing these oneshots fills you with Determination 2  (Undertale AU Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now