♥ Crappy... (Sans x Sick!Reader) [Fluff]

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Word Count: 471

You woke up with such a painful headache, you were sure you could hear your heart pounding in your ears. On top of that, your nose was stuffy.


"Great," you groaned nasally, "I'm sick." You let your arm drop to the cushy fabric of your comforter and sighed. 

Groggily picking your phone up to check the time, your eyes squinted at the screen. "2 pm? What the..." You were surprised Papyrus didn't come barging in your room at the stroke of noon. He must've had to head out earlier.

As for Sans, you figured he'd still be asleep. 

"_____?" a muffled voice inquired with a knock on the door.

Or not.

"Yeah," you rasped, allowing the skeleton to enter.

Sans stepped in, his hands thrown in his pockets as he did. "I was gonna grab some grub from Grillby's if you wanted to come w... Geez, kid, you look awful."

You rolled your eyes. "Well, I look better than I feel. Is it hot in here to you?"

He came up beside the bed. "Well, I don't have nerves, so I can't tell you," he joked, "And we live in the coldest place in the Underground, kiddo. Why are you hot?"

"You mean the heat isn't turned up in here?"

Sans' perpetual grin slightly dropped as his face contorted with worry. "Let me feel your head for a sec." He took off his glove and pressed the back of his hand to your forehead.

Your vision got blurry for a second as you struggled to keep your eyes open.

"I think you might be running a fever, kid. I'll be right back."

With that, he teleported from the room and soon returned with a glass of water and a thermometer.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, he set the glass on your nightstand and turned on the device. "Say 'ahh'," he cooed with a smirk.

You did so and lifted your tongue to make room from the thermometer.

A few seconds passed before Sans removed it and checked. "102.3. Yep, you're definitely sick. Does your head hurt?"

You nodded. Not to be dramatic, but you were in so much pain you thought you'd cry. 

Sans ran his fingers through your hair. "Aw, I'm sorry, bud. Sit up for a sec."

You slowly did so as he reached for the glass of water next to you.

"Drink some. It'll help the headache."

Taking a sip, you winced as your head seemed to throb. "

Sans got up to open your window and returned to you. There was a soft bump! when Sans planted something that resembled a kiss to your forehead. 

"Get some more sleep, kiddo." He headed for the door. "I'll make sure Papyrus doesn't come to bother you. But I think if I told him you were sick, he'd want to come up here all the more so. So be prepared for anything."

You gave a weak smile. "Thanks, Sans."


*Writing these oneshots fills you with Determination 2  (Undertale AU Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now