♥ Giving Up (Fell!Sans x Reader) [Angst]

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Word Count: 1058

The walk home was a gloomy one. The same monsters mocked you behind your back. The same rude and tasteless conversations could be heard within earshot. The same negative atmosphere of the Underground surrounded you every day.

You were fed up.

You had been living with the skeleton brothers for a few years now and you thought you'd get used to their sinister lifestyle as well as that of every other monster in Snowdin.

But you were wrong.

After all this time, the hatred this world had to offer finally started getting to you and there was nothing anyone could about it. Not even you.

You threw open the ragged front door of what you proudly used to call 'home' and didn't care to stomp your boots free of snow before storming off to your room.

You hardly noticed Sans sitting on the couch, watching you come in like the FBI. He didn't bother saying anything since he didn't care all that much about you getting home. That, or he immediately sensed your sour mood and thought it'd be safer for him to keep his mouth shut.

Papyrus stayed in the kitchen making dinner, which you assumed contributed to your consistent diet of spaghetti. He noticed when you came in but didn't care to acknowledge you either.

A few hours passed and you sat in your room, staring into space. The frenzy of emotions running around in your (s/c) soul was enough to get a few tears out of you, though, you hated crying. You thought it as a sign of weak character.

Suddenly, your door flew open and Sans came barging in.

"Kid, what's the matter with you, you've had an attitude ever since you came home," he started in a grumpy tone.

You remained silent, not knowing how to answer him and kept your head down.

"Boss made dinner, and he'll be pissed if he doesn't see either of us at the table in time. Hey..." He tilted his head to get a better look at your face.

"Don't appreciate you ignoring me, kid." Sans' usual sneer faded into a scowl.

"I can't do this anymore," you finally said under your breath.

"Heh? What's that? Might wanna speak up a bit."

You shot up from the bed. "I can't live like this! Everything here sucks!"

Sans stared at you with an unreadable expression on his face.

"So many crappy things keep happening and it's making me want to just give up," your tone started to intensify, "The negativity in this world is freaking exhausting!"

Your sudden outburst caught Sans by surprise. Sure, he'd seen you irritated or frustrated, but this was full-on devastation.

"Why is everything here so full of rage and hatred? You can barely take a walk in this stupid town without getting beaten up!" You drew a hand over the newly-forming bruise on your neck from your oh-so-pleasant walk home.

"Quit that, kid. Boss'll hear you," Sans grumbled, a bead of sweat forming on his nonexistent brow.

"'Boss'..." you chuckled dryly, "Sans, don't even try and deny the fact that you're miserable here too!"

His eye-lights dimmed out.

"Papyrus is always nagging you about the dumbest things and you just sit there and take it, too scared to stand up to him! Half the time, I can't even tell you're brothers!"


Sans knew you were right. The world you both lived in wasn't shy of absolute hell. He grew up in this place, he never paid attention to the gruesome vibe his home gave off. As for living in the shadow of his brother, Sans had no problem doing it. Between Papyrus' arrogance, Sans' anxiety, and the physical altercations between them, their relationship was more so "Master and servant" than "brothers".

At this point, you both had started crying.

"Ever since I fell here, nothing has ever been fair... My mother tried to kill me when I wanted to leave the Ruins. Every monster I'd come across was after my blood. Heck, even you two! I don't even know why I'm here."

Sans was silent.

"... I used to be happy. I used to try and see the good in everyone. Even when I was facing death, I did it with a smile. But after it happening multiple times every day for years, I'm finally at my limit. I'm so sick and tired of trying to see the bright side of things when I know full well that there never is one!"

You felt the last glimmer of hope in your soul die out.

Thick red streaks were going down Sans' cheekbones.

A short silence followed after your sobs.

In a way, though neither of you would admit it, this was one way of bonding with Sans. Just venting your feelings and sharing your depression. The two of you considered it an unspoken rule. This was one of the darker times, however. A time where you two couldn't exactly find the right words to say.

Your soul suddenly went blue and your face impacted something hard. You smelled mustard.

Before you could protest his actions, Sans embraced you without a word, cradling your upper body in his hands.

You didn't say anything to stop him. In all honesty, this seemed normal to you. Like you had been doing it all the time. Some of Sans' tears landed on top of your head, opening your eyes to the hidden vulnerability in the skeleton's soul.

Upon being physically comforted for the first time in a long time, the waterworks started flowing relentlessly. And Sans allowed it. No judgment.

"... It's so hard, Sans," you wept, dampening his sweater as you did.

"I know, kid," he replied solemnly. His voice reverberated against your ear as he pressed your head more firmly to his chest.

You two stood there, holding each other in an attempt to find some sort of comfort. Until one of you decided to pull away, you would stay like this for a while.

As much as you hated living here, it made up for its vulgarity with the semi-good company. You admitted, there were times when you couldn't stand your housemates. But it was rare moments like these that helped restore that lost glimmer of hope. The moments that kept your sanity intact. The moments that kept you from giving up.

*Writing these oneshots fills you with Determination 2  (Undertale AU Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now