♦ Hanging Out (Frisk and Others x Older Sibling!Reader)

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Word count: 723

"Hey, take my hand," you told Frisk as you came to a crosswalk.

They did so with their small hand as you led them through the street. *You asked where you both were going.

"Uncle Sans told us to meet him at Uncle Grillby's before we went home," you answered as you passed by a few familiar people, "He's treating us. Or the other way around," you mumbled the last part.

As you and your younger sibling walked the streets of the city, you both greeted everyone and everyone smiled at you. Ever since Frisk fell down Mt. Ebott and saved all of monsterkind, both humans and monsters seemed to accept them. And with you, being their older sibling, everyone was being super nice to you also. You thought it patronizing at first, but with time, it became endearing.

You admitted, having Frisk as a younger sibling was pretty cool, especially since you both had Toriel as a mom. When you ran away from your own home on the Surface, Toriel and Frisk took you in; they cared for you, fed you, loved you. Frisk wasn't jealous of you. Quite the opposite actually. They were happy to have someone they could call big brother/big sister. You didn't understand Frisk's fascination with you at first, especially since you were just a stranger to them, someone from the outside world. But Frisk grew to love you anyway. After a few years of living with them and meeting Frisk's other monster friends and family, they grew on you. You started to love them too.

"Hey y'all!" you greeted as you and Frisk stepped into the restaurant.

The dogs barked happily at you and the others sent their own hello's. 

Frisk went off to go pet the dogs while you went up to sit at the bar; Sans wasn't there yet.

"Hi, Uncle Grillby! Long time no see," you greeted the fire monster.

His flames hissed at you in response. "... It's good to see you both, _____. How has the family been?" he replied in hushed tones. He was never one for talking.

"We're doing pretty good, thanks. Uncle Sans is supposed to meet us here, but I don't see him anywhere."

There was a mild crackling sound. As it got warmer, you decided to take your jacket off.

"Yeah, he's always late. Hey, Uncle," Frisk climbed up on the stool next to you and waved at Grillby, which he returned. "Can you get us two burgers, please? I doubt Uncle Sans is paying for us, so I'll do it."

He nodded, putting down the glass he was cleaning and heading to the kitchen in the back.

*You asked why Uncle Sans wasn't here yet.

You shrugged. "He's always late. I'm sure he'll turn up soon though."

"Or sooner than you think," a familiar voice said behind you.

You jumped and Frisk turned around with a smile.

"Geez, Uncle, you can't be sneaking up on us like that!" you scolded with a small laugh.

Sans chuckled. "Sorry, kiddos, didn't mean to rattle you." He took a seat next to Frisk and ruffled their hair.

You rolled your eyes as your sibling silently laughed. 

"Sorry I'm so late, I was just at your mom's place. Asked me to help her make you guys a pie for when you got home. She told me not to tell you though, so try to act surprised when she tells you."

You laughed as Grillby returned with two plates of burgers. "Thanks, Uncle! These look great."

*You thanked Grillby.

A fiery smile formed on his face. "You're welcome. Nice to see you, Sans."

"'Sup, Grillbz? Nice to see how well this place is doing."

"It's recently been especially busy around here. Thanks especially to you three." Grillby went back to cleaning the glass he had put down.

*You wondered if that was the same glass from before you freed everyone from the Underground.

"Of course, Uncle. We love it here," You assured, swallowing down the last of your burger in what seemed like seconds.

"Glad we could bring some light into your life, Grillbz," Sans jested, his perpetual smile growing slightly wider.

You and Frisk laughed as Grillby let out an annoyed groan. It seemed he was trying to hide the little smile on his face. Not just from the pun, but from being around the people he loved. That was enough for him.

That was enough for all four of you. ♡

*Writing these oneshots fills you with Determination 2  (Undertale AU Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now