♥ (US!Sans x Insecure!Reader) [Fluff] [Part 2]

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"I'll... take that as a 'yes'."

You grabbed a handful of the bedsheets below, feeling ashamed. You didn't think he'd figure it out so quickly. Then again, you kind of expected him to.

"Blue?" you asked, earning a small 'yes' from him, "Do you think I'm... fat?"

The skeleton seemed to be taken aback by your words, and his hesitation only made you feel worse.

"Well, no, human, I don't think that at all."

"You don't have to lie, Sans."

"I'm not lying to you. Hey..." He put a gloved hand on your shoulder, making you look at him. "Where's this coming from?" 

He paused, being careful not to say or do anything to upset you. "What or... who is making you feel like this?" He had a firmer change in his voice, grimacing at the thought of anyone making you feel bad for any reason.

"I... feel heavier than I should be."

"How do you mean?"

"Come on, don't you see it?" You stood up and lifted your shirt to reveal your stomach. There were tears in your eyes again. 

Blue looked as if he'd cry too. He sat listening intently, his soul practically breaking at hearing your voice get croaky.

"I'm getting fat! My clothes have never felt so tight before, Sans. I hate looking in the mirror every day and just seeing someone completely different. It's pushed me to the point where I don't eat because..." You let out a stifled sob as your knees hit the floor.

Blue only grew more worried for you, frantically thinking of a way to calm you down. "Because what, human?"

"... I don't want you and Papyrus thinking that I'm just this fat pig who likes to stuff her face all the time."

Shock overriding his concern, he got on the floor with you and pulled you into a hug. "Hum-" he stopped himself, "_____, we don't think that at all! Why would we?" He pulled away, urging you to look up at him.

Your cheeks were soaked as your tears streamed down them; You noticed you had dampened Sans' scarf.

Sans reached his hand towards your chest, or more accurately, your soul. "May I?"

Vision blurry, you gave a slight nod. Your soul started feeling heavy as Sans lifted you with his magic.

"You don't feel any different when I lift you like this," he assured with a growing grin, "If anything, I'd say it's not even difficult to do so!"

As you were set back down, you sniffed and wiped your eyes. 

Sans cupped your face with his hands, using his thumbs to clear the tear streaks from your cheeks. 

"I think you're magnificent just the way you are! Even more so than I! Mweh heh heh!"

You mustered a small smile, even a quiet laugh at his antics. "You... you think so?"

"Of course! The Magnificent Sans is never wrong! But, human... if you feel strongly enough about how you look, then I believe that you have the power to change it! My brother and I will gladly assist you on your journey!"

You smiled, genuinely this time as a warm sensation bloomed in your heart. You thought you'd cry again.

Sans used his magic again to lift you, earning a surprised 'Whoa' and a laugh from you.

"Rest assured, human, you'll be happy to know that no matter what, my brother and I will always love and care for you!" He drew you closer to him and gave you a skelekiss* on your forehead.

"Thank you, Blue," you said, hugging him by the neck where you floated.

He hugged you in return, with an accomplished 'Mweh heh heh!' and nearly squeezing you to death. "It's my pleasure, human!"

*That's what I'm calling it now lol

Underswap Sans by BonesTheSkelebunny01 on DeviantArt

Word Count: 611

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