♥ Trashy (Napstablook x Sad!Reader) [Fluff]

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Hey yall! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been busy with work and this quarantine stuff. Anyway, here's a oneshot for you to tide you over. Hope you enjoy >w<

Blooky drawing by Chibi-loli on DeviantArt

Word Count: 567

You were taking a solemn stroll through Waterfall, tears just pricking at the corners of your eyes. Keeping your head low, you tried not to make conversation with anyone who came your way. Not to be rude, of course, but simply because you didn't feel like talking right now.

As was customary whenever you felt sad, you always went to your friend Napstablook's house. Although he was a crier himself, he still tried to make himself useful to you when you needed some reassurance. 

And with every frequent visit you paid him, you two had grown closer as friends, to the point where you almost read each other's minds.

You had arrived at the oddly-shaped ghost house and gave a timid knock, as to not scare him. 

"Wh-Who is it?" you heard the ghosts' small voice from the other side.

"It's me, Blooky," you replied, trying not to sound choked up.

"_____... You can come in..."

So you did and hastily shut the door behind you, still bowing your head. 

"I... wasn't expecting you to come here..." Napstablook stopped whatever he was doing on his computer and turned to you, his face still somber as ever.

"I know, Blooky, and I'm sorry... I just..."

Upon closer inspection, Napstablook realized you were crying.

"_-_____! What's wrong... I'm sorry, I didn't realize sooner..."

The waterworks let loose. You could barely get a word out.

At this point, Napstablook started panicking. He didn't know what was wrong, and he was dying to find some way to help you. He couldn't hug you, being incorporeal and all. 

The best he could do was just watch you as you cried until you were calmed down enough to speak, much to his dismay. Empathetically, he too started crying.

You fell to your knees, burying your face in your hands. Your face flushed, as you've never cried in front of Napstablook before.

Once it seemed your sobs had settled a bit, he floated down to you. "Do you... wanna talk about it?"

You shook your head, taking in a sharp breath. 

"O-Okay... I'll just stay here... if you need me, that is. Or not... whatever you want."

There was a long silence. Napstablook knew you were never one for talking just as he wasn't, so he respected your need for space when you were in your feelings. 

Your sobbing had reduced to tired whimpers in a matter of minutes. Having had enough of the quiet between you two, you decided to speak up.

"I'm sorry..."

Napstablook perked up at your voice, confusion evident on his face. "Sorry? ... For what?"

"I d-didn't mean to come here unannounced... I c-can't just expect you to magically fix my problems."

"No... It's fine. You're not bothering me or anything, _____. You can come to visit as often as you want... I'll be here."

You mustered a small smile. "... Thank you, Blooky."

He nodded with a small blush under his eyes. "No problem... Are you hungry? I think I still have some sandwiches in the fridge. The human ones, not the ghost ones.

You yawned. "No, thank you..."

"Oh... okay... Well... Do you wanna... lay on the floor and feel like garbage with me? I know that might be counterproductive to how you feel now but... I figured it might help..."

"Sure, that sounds nice... Thanks, Blooky."

"Oh... I-It's fine..." There was that blush again. "You don't have to keep thanking me... I'm your friend, and friends are supposed to be there for each other."

"I know but still... You're the best."

*Writing these oneshots fills you with Determination 2  (Undertale AU Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now