♠ Friends to...? (Crushing!Brook x Reader)

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Lol imagine this but a real human being ^

Note: Keep in mind, this is still in the world of Undertale but both you, the reader, and I are in it. Just so there's no confusion. Hope you enjoy!

Word Count: 824 


"Dude, I saw a meme that was like: I hate how your family stops giving you money on your birthday as you get older like I need it more now than I did when I was seven Susan, I'm starving. I was dying laughing!" 

Brook let out a chuckle of her own as a light blush graced her cheeks. "I'm dead," she replied.

You and your friend Brook were strolling through Waterfall. You two hadn't hung out in a while, and so you suggested a meet-up and ended up spending most of the day together. You chatted, laughed, and even went to get some Glamburgers(TM) for MTT Resort. It was a good time. 

You and Brook had been best friends for years, since childhood. You had been there for each other through thick and thin, as best friends should. Out of all the friends you had made in your life, monster or human, you felt that you clicked with Brook the most. You liked most of the same things, did most of the same things, you even spoke the same way sometimes. You two were the best of friends.

"Okay, but can we just talk about how divine those Glamburgers were-?"

You threw your head back and laughed. "Oh my God, Brook, you're still talking about this? I thought you were done!"

"No, sir! When it comes to food, you can never shut me up. No matter how hard you try. The sequins made it especially tasty."

You pretended to gag, earning a laugh from Brook. "I can't believe you like that crap!"

"You know what, _____? You're just mad because Mettaton didn't offer you one!"

"Lies! I was perfectly fine watching you choke on sequins and glue."

Brook playfully hit you. "Shut up, bruh! It was delicious."

"Mettaton's not here now, Brook, you can stop lying."

"Oh my God, I can't with you."

The sound of rushing water filled your ears as you continued walking. You had arrived in a room with a small waterfall and a flat landing under it. You gave Brook a look.

She stared at you suspiciously. "No."

You grinned widely. "Yes."

"I think not."

"I think so."

"_____, I swear to God-"

You splashed Brook with some water, earning a dramatic gasp from her.

"You did not."

You chuckled. "Oh, I did."

"You are so  done for!" Brook kicked some water on you and tried to push you over.

"Hey, watch it, handsy!" you laughed, throwing some water on her as a comeback.

"You started it, dude! Now I gotta finish it for you!" 

You two had been playing and splashing each other for what seemed like an eternity. Neither of you could tell because you were too busy enjoying each other's company.

"Given up yet?" you asked.

Brook looked as if she was out of breath, a few beads of sweat were forming on her temple. "You wish! I'm... just getting started," she replied confidently. She was soaked to the bone. 

You laughed, taking a few more splashes to the face before going to get up. Something had caught your foot, causing you to fall forwards. And, unfortunately, right on top of Brook.

You had landed on your hands, so the fall wasn't necessarily painful for either of you, but the embarrassment was difficult to bear.

"U-uh... _____?"

You could barely bring yourself to look down at her, as there was an evident heat rising to your face. The awkwardness was apparent in her voice as well.

"... Yeah?"

There was a certain look in Brook's eyes you'd never seen before. It was rather unusual and somewhat... adoring? 

You had started to get uncomfortable from her staring and averted your gaze.

Apparently, Brook had realized her blunder and snapped out of it. "Oh, s-sorry... But, uh, ____?"

"What's up?" You weren't thinking clearly.

"Can you please get off? This is getting kind of awkward."

"Oh, yeah, my bad." You sat up in the water and helped Brook do the same. 

There was a tense silence.

"Maybe we should head for home then?" you posed, standing up to stretch, "Not that the water fight wasn't fun, but I could really go for some real food at Grillby's."

Brook giggled and stood, her usual glint of shyness in her eyes. "Sounds good to me."

Once you had reached Snowdin and left Grillby's with full bellies, your fun day with each other had come to an end.

"Well, today was fun," you remarked with a smirk.

Brook fiddled with her hands. "It was." Her face was really red.

You cocked your head to the side. "Hey... you okay?"



Before you even knew it, Brook had planted a swift peck on your cheek. 

"Thanks for today." 

With that, she quickly departed, leaving small footsteps in her wake.

Being completely stunned, you gingerly placed your fingertips on your cheek, and a small smile gradually adorned your face. "Any time."

*Writing these oneshots fills you with Determination 2  (Undertale AU Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now