♦ True Colors (Chara x Reader) [Fluffy Angst] [Part 2]

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Word Count: 759

You froze as your fists clenched and shook.

Asriel and Papyrus went to Chara's side while Sans and Frisk just looked at you, worry evident on their faces.

Not being able to handle the restlessness of the situation, you fled from the house, ignoring Sans' and Frisk's calls for you to come back.

Frustration and confusion flooded your mind, making it hard for you to focus on exactly where you were running off to.

The moon was at its peak in the sky, its light shining down on the empty streets.

Because of how fast you were running, tears were flowing into your eyes, blurring your vision.

They can't be serious, you thought. This has to be some kind of sick joke.

Soon enough, you were too out of breath to keep running. You stopped in the middle of somewhere. Looking behind you, you realized you were far on the outside of town at the top of a hill.

Sighing shakily, you plopped yourself down and hugged your knees. You tried to make sense of recent events.

"Surely they didn't mean it," you breathed, "They were messing with me. Wouldn't put it past them." You grumbled the last part. To your surprise, a bead of sweat rolled down your temple. 

You had difficulty giving Chara the benefit of the doubt. Their vulnerability seemed too exaggerated to be believable. You couldn't take any chances. If you put your trust in the hands of someone who's killed your friends and family countless times before, you might as well kill everyone yourself.


You flinched. "Sans?"

Asriel and Frisk stepped out from behind him slowly; Frisk looked as if they would cry. Next to them, Asriel led Chara by the hand. Chara's face was still damp from before, and they refused to look at you.

"_____," Asriel whimpered, "Please don't be mad. Just hear them out, okay?"

You quickly looked away, you couldn't look your siblings in the eye. "... Frisk, I..."

*You told _____ that Chara had something to say.

You looked sideways at your supposed sibling.

"It won't kill ya to listen, will it?" Sans inquired, a firm look in his eye.

You turned your attention to Chara again, staring deep into their ruby-red eyes.

Chara looked you in the face, trying to keep the little confidence they had intact. "I...," they started, only pausing when you stood up straight and towered over them. "I know I've made a lot of mistakes. I know I've hurt and killed a lot of people and... I have no excuse. Nothing I do now can change what I've done in the past and you have every right to tell me to piss off..." 

You let out a breath and looked at Sans; he wasn't smiling.

"But, _____... I'm not asking you to forgive me-"

"Then what are you asking for, Chara?" you interrupted in a hushed tone.

"I'm asking that you hear me when I say that I'd rather die than kill someone again."

Your eyes went wide. 

"... I've finally learned the true value of having friends and family around you that care about you and love you. It's too powerful of a feeling to give up. Frisk taught me that mercy is a virtue. Something that can go a long way. Now that I'm here, free with everyone on the surface... I don't think I can ever go back to hurting innocent people again."

You remained silent and bowed your head.

"Whether you believe me or not is up to you... I wouldn't blame you if you didn't. I probably wouldn't either."

You bowed your head. "If you've "changed"...," you asked, "Why did you point a knife to my neck earlier?"

"... It was a bad reflex. I'm sorry. I didn't want to hurt you, _____." They stepped closer to you. "I just want you to know... I... I-I..."

*You told _____ that Chara always admired them as an older sibling.

Chara blushed deeply and didn't say anything but looked at you.

"I agree with Frisk, _____," Asriel added, "They didn't know how to show it, so they resorted to picking on you instead. It wasn't hostility. It was love." 

"And not the murderous kind," Sans finished.

*You told _____ that Chara loved them.

You looked at Chara with a newfound tenderness and knelt to their level. "... Chara... come here."

They looked up at you in shock as you pulled them in for a tight hug. "Huh?"

"I... I love you." Your voice wavered. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have treated you so cruelly. You are..." You sniffed. "My sibling after all."

Chara hesitated before hugging you back and buried their face in the crook of your neck; they started trembling.

"... I love you too, _____."

*Writing these oneshots fills you with Determination 2  (Undertale AU Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now