♥ Promise (US!Papyrus x Heartbroken!Reader) [Angst]

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Word Count: 1027

All was quiet in the skeleton household. Sans was out training with Alphys, and you had gone out to Waterfall.

So it was just Papyrus at home. He lazily watched Napstabot's show on the TV, continually dozing off now and then. An empty plate with taco crumbs sat next to him on the couch, which he wasn't planning on moving to the kitchen any time soon. 

On days like these, even Papyrus admitted it was peaceful.

Soon, minutes turned into hours, and you hadn't gotten home yet.

"Brother! Where is the human?" Sans inquired from the kitchen, "I've almost finished dinner!"

Papyrus shrugged. "I don't know, bro. I'll give 'em a call in a minute." He had a right mind to get up for the first time that day and go to put his plate in the sink. 

As he did, his phone rang. After checking the caller ID, he lazily answered, "Kiddo? Where are you, Sans and I are getting worried." 

He froze at hearing what sounded like crying. "Kid?" Not wanting to alarm Sans, he moved to the living room. "What's the matter, what happened?"

"Pap..," you rasped, covering your mouth. "It's nothing... I'll be home in a bit, okay? Tell Blue not to worry-"

"You're not good at lying, kid. Now tell me what's going on."

You gasped, trying your best not to cry harder. "No, because," you sniffled, your nose growing numb in the cold, "You'll get angry if I do and that's... not what I need right now, okay?"

"... It's about him, isn't it?"

Your heart sank. 

"What did he do?"

You sensed certain aggression in his tone, making you less obligated to say anything more. 

Papyrus never got legitimately angry, or at least, from what you've seen. He was normally laid back and never seemed like the kind of monster who'd engage in conflict. However, when Papyrus met your boyfriend, that all changed. He always made it a point to express how disapproving he was of him and kept threatening him if he were to ever hurt you. And now that it seems he has, he wouldn't hesitate to impale him with multiple sharp bones on sight.

"... He broke up with me."

Papyrus' sockets widened as he nearly crushed the phone in his grasp. 

"He just called me on the phone all angry and yelling. Something about me spending more time with my friends than him. He," you sobbed, "He s-slapped me and called me a whore for being around you guys so much. Told me he never wanted to s-see me again..."

Papyrus shot off of the couch and headed for the door. "Kid, where are you?" he urged. His right eye started glowing a dull orange.

"Please, don't bother trying to find me right now, Pap, I... I don't want to be bothered."

"Kid, no, you need to come home right now... _____?"

You had hung up. Making your way to Waterfall, you chose to ride in the Riverperson's boat rather than risk being found by walking the whole way there.

Once you arrived, you bid the Riverperson goodbye and started walking, albeit a little fast.

Millions of thoughts swirled around in your head, making it nearly impossible to straighten them out. Hot tears flooded your eyes as you walked, disbelief and betrayal taking their places in your heart.

You came to a brighter area of Waterfall, the water below shining on your damp face.

When you had slowed down a bit, you thought you heard someone calling your name from behind you.

Looking back, a familiar orange hoodie came into view, and you kept walking.

"_____!" Papyrus called. He wasn't too far behind you.

"Go away, Papyrus..," you grumbled, picking up your pace.

After making a couple of turns through Waterfall, you thought you had gotten away. That is, before you bumped into something. 

The smell of honey suddenly flooded your nose. Before you could back up to see what you had collided with, a pair of bony arms embraced you and pulled you closer.



At the first feeling of being comforted, you started crying again as your cheeks flushed red. 

Papyrus sat you down, making your knees sink into the marshy ground. He was filled with nothing but concern and love for you. However, although he didn't look like it, he nearly shook with anger at the thought of anyone even moving to lay a hand on you.

You two had sat there for what seemed like an eternity before Papyrus pulled away from you.

"He wasn't good enough for you anyway," he soothed, wiping one of your falling tears away.

"Pap, I'm s-sorry," you whimpered, bowing your head shamefully.

"Sorry? For what, kid?"

"I kn-knew how much you hated him but I kept him around anyway. You were right all along a-and I didn't listen to you... I'm sorry."

He lifted your chin and gazed at you. "I'm not worried about that right now. All I care about is making you feel better."

There was a short silence.

"Kid, I'm gonna be honest with you. What he did to you makes me want to kill him. He should've known better than to mess with you."

You flinched at his words, wondering if he secretly finished the job before finding you.

"But I won't," he tangled his fingers in your hair, "Because I know it'd make you unhappy. And you deserve to be happy."

You thought for a moment. Your soul felt as if a weight had been lifted from it.

"He never deserved your love. He didn't know how to handle it properly and that cost him you." He had finally noticed that red mark on your cheek and nearly lost it right there but he chose to keep his cool. 

"You're irreplaceable, kiddo, and if he can't see that, then that just sucks for him. Don't let him think you're unworthy of anything good... Can you promise me something?"

You wiped your face and nodded. 

"That you'll keep being you, that when someone gets you down, you'll come back stronger. Promise me that you'll never forget that if someone can't find it in themselves to love you for who you are, well... That's what we're here for. Alright?"

You nearly started crying again. "Yeah... I promise."

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