♥ Rough Patch (Underfell!Papyrus x Sensitive!Reader) [Angst] [Part 2]

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Word Count: 625

You quickly stormed to your room, leaving Papyrus behind and slammed the door behind you. 

Throwing yourself on your bed, you gave way to more tears. Anger and sadness swirled around in your heart, making it difficult to ascertain exactly how you felt. With every second, you felt your soul break a little. This much emotional distress was too much for both it and you.

A few hours had passed. You were sure it was almost three in the morning. 

Your crying had somewhat subsided. Though, you kept your place on your bed, staring into space. 

Suddenly, there was a loud crash and you saw your door fly across the room.

To shock you even further, you then felt your bed dip beside you. With red, puffy eyes, you looked up to see your boyfriend, grumpy-faced and all.

"P... Pap..?" Your small voice was almost enough to cause him to break down.

He couldn't bring himself to look at you. Instead, he kept grumbling under his breath and stared intensely at everything else in the room.

You decided not to say anything more. You still felt ashamed of what you said to him, so you could barely look at him either. With the feeling of guilt becoming unbearable, you turned your back to him.

Papyrus was somewhat shocked but understood your action. He sighed.

You two sat there on your bed for what seemed like an eternity. It was so silent, you swore you could hear each leaf falling to the ground outside.

Whenever you and Papyrus argued, it would usually end with you apologizing first, though it pained you to do so sometimes. He would then apologize, albeit begrudgingly but with a hint of genuineness. All is said and done, things would be back to normal within a day or two.

But this time, some things were said that were so hateful that they hurt. It almost seemed as if you two couldn't bounce back from this.

You never enjoyed arguing with Papyrus. And with you being a more sensitive person, you'd sometimes cry in the middle of any dispute you had. Especially the heated arguments. Sure, you loved Papyrus but there were times that other emotions, like anger and resentment, would take love's place. Some words are said that you'd never say to him otherwise.

As for Papyrus, arguing is one of his many strong suits. Before he met you, Sans was the one he would always yell at. Depending on the problem, Papyrus' choice of words would range from mildly agitated to fuming rage. Although he didn't show it often, Papyrus did love you as well. He'd never do anything to upset you. It was just the problem of him getting so caught up in his emotions, that it would be too late before he'd realize he's gone too far.

And he'd deeply regret it afterward.

"... I apologize."

You snapped your head up as some stray tears streamed down your face.

Did he just...?

"I... know I said things that upset you. And I have no excuse."

You stared at him with wide eyes.

"Everything you said about me is correct. You deserve someone better than I. You never asked for someone as infuriating and impertinent as myself." He glanced in your direction.

"And I was foolish to think I could even live up to the standards of someone as..." He finally managed to look up at you and paused. He seemed entranced.

"... As magnificent... and captivating as you."

You shifted uncomfortably.

"I had no right to speak to you that way... m-my love. And I am sorry. I'll understand if you don't forgive me."

With that, he swiftly got up and left the room before you could call after him.

*Writing these oneshots fills you with Determination 2  (Undertale AU Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now