♥ We're Not Muted (Sans x Reader) [Comedy + Fluff]

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Laugh by Minoks on DeviantArt

You rubbed your eyes and yawned. A painful realization came over you and you groaned.

"I completely forgot I had school today," you sighed, "Kill me now."

Lazily reaching for your laptop and your phone, you navigated to your Zoom meeting for your class, taking a mental note of your bedhead.

You sighed as you were met with countless black screens with strange profile pictures on them. I hate Mondays, you thought.

As you were dozing off waiting for your teacher to start teaching, you were startled awake.

"Hello, everybody. Happy Monday. Please, don't forget to turn on your cameras. Without further ado, let's get started." 

An hour later, your class was almost over, and you were praying that all your teacher was going to do was show videos and tell super long side stories. Thankfully, your assignments weren't all that difficult, you just didn't want to do them. 

Pondering over which assignment to start on, you hear a knock at your door before a certain skeleton teleported in.

"Heya, kiddo."

You flinched. "Geez, Sans. You scared me," you sighed, glaring at him.

"Ugh, online classes, huh?" He made himself comfortable on the foot of your bed.

You nodded, holding your head in your hand. "I'm almost done. They just have to finish their lecture on these notes."

Suddenly, Sans was next to you. "Yo, what is up with your teacher? They're looking like they just rolled out of bed."

You laughed. "What do you mean?"

"Look at them, dude! They look like me but more depressed and mentally unstable."

There were tears in your eyes. "No, no, no. No one is more depressed than you, Sans. Don't even lie. And please, get out of the camera before I-"

"_____, are you paying attention," your teacher inquired from the laptop.

You snapped your head to the screen with a bold blush on your cheeks. Upon realizing you were unmuted the whole time, you didn't know whether to hit Sans or leave the meeting.

Your friend was holding himself back from bursting out in laughter, he nearly fell over.

"Yeah, sorry!" You shot daggers at Sans from the side. 

"When you ask a million questions, don't expect me to answer them. Please pay attention."

"Okay, I'm sorry. Won't happen again." You were sweating bullets.

"Alright. Now..."

As your teacher continued their spiel, you made a mental note to never let Sans chill in your room during your online class.

"Oh my God, kid," Sans wheezed, "that was great."

"I hate you so much right now." You fought to keep a grin from creeping onto your face. "You're about to make me fail this class, I swear."

He wiped his eyesocket free of tears and sighed, still chuckling. "I literally didn't even do anything, what are you talking about?" 

You scoffed. "Sans, you have 5 seconds to leave."

"Or what?" He rested his elbow on your head, double-checking the screen to make sure the microphone wasn't still on.

"Or I'll make you, that's what." You gave him a smug grin, one that you knew wouldn't last long.

It was Sans' turn to scoff at you. "As much as I'd love to see you try, you have to be paying attention." He yawned loudly. "And I'm exhausted."

"But you just woke up."

"I know, and waking up is exhausting."

You rolled your eyes as you tried to hide your smile. 

Soon enough, class was over and you quickly closed your laptop. Getting up from your bed, you glance at Sans who seemed to be asleep, before quickly changing into daytime clothes.

"Sans, I'm going to Grillby's. Do you want to come or want me to bring you something back?" You finished tying your shoes and fixed your hair.

"I'm coming." He lazily rose from your bed and zipped his jacket. "You're buying."

You groaned before giggling. "God, I hate you."

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